Observer 7 March 1925
Mr Miller’s Sweet Factory
In times of
depression and trade stagnation, it is a cheerful thing to see new industries
started and trade developed along the lines hitherto neglected. Recently we
have had the opportunity afforded us of inspecting the sweet factory
established by Mr Miller, Main Street, Dungarvan, and it is proof of what can
be done by initiative and business enterprise combined and properly directed.
There has always been and ever will be a demand for sweet things. The taste is
not confined to children, as in most cases those who have left the stage of
youth a considerable distance behind are as enthusiastic for delectable sweets
as they were in the days of their youth.
To meet
that demand and to cater for the general deficit in the matter of sweets of all
sorts and to meet every palate, Mr Miller has spared no expense in equipping
his new factory, and with a specially trained staff he is turning out his goods
in the most finished style and up to the standard of the best and most famous
manufacturers. In the hard days which have come on our country and which, we
are told, are part of the freedom we have got, our people must be up and doing,
and only in the development of our multifarious resources and the establishment
of new industries ion a proper basis can we hope to achieve success. Mr Miller
deserves well of the community at large for what he is doing…Now that the
government are fostering the production of sugar beet, 20 acres of which will
be grown in the County of Waterford this year, it is quite within the theory of
probabilities that in a short time Mr Miller will be using locally manufactures
sugar for his factory.