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Grand Irish Entertainment At
Monalour, Melleray Cappoquin
the evening of Ascension Thursday, June 3rd a grand All-Irish Entertainment was
held at Moin-na-lobhar under the auspices of the local Irish Class, which was
in charge of the well known Irish Teacher, Mr. Sean Prendergast who is also
conducting very successful Irish classes for the Co. Waterford Vocational
Education Committee at Cnoc-buidhe Carrig-na-gabher and Baile-na-sagarth,
Lismore. The weather proved gloriously
fine for an open-air entertainment as the warm rays of the sun were tempered by
refreshing and heather-scented breeze which blew down from the lofty
Knockmealdown mountains, while the beautiful and stately buildings of the New
Church and Monastery of Mount Melleray provided a delightful setting in the
rich golden rays of the western sun. A
large and substantial stage had been erected in the open, and there was a
wonderfully- large attendance of all the Irish Irelanders from every part of
the wide and rugged area extending from Mount Melleray to Ballysaggart. A stirring Irish Play entitled “The
Heiress", which had been specially written by Mr. Sean Prendergast, was
performed in faultless style by the various characters, who numbered 20, and
all of whom were members of the local Irish class. The rich and cultured "blas" of the
vernacular was a predominent feature throughout, while the splendid acting of
the various artists was a treat to witness and was a tribute to the careful
training they had received from their patient and efficient teacher. Several
stirring Irish songs and choruses figured in the play all of which were rendered
with great purity and sweetness being all the more effective in the clam and
serene surroundings of such a picturesque spot.
Several beautiful Irish dances were also performed by Mr. W. Farrell,
Miss Brigid Tobin, Monalour, Mr. Frank McGrath, Boherberay and others, splendid
music being provided by Mr. John O' Brien (violin), and Mr. Thos McGrath (piano-accordeon). The large and enthusiastic audience present
was delighted with the play and the general Entertainment, and Mr. Sean
Prendergast the clever author of the play, was warmly complimented by all. The stage had been kindly erected by Mr.
Thos Tobin, Monalour, who also kindly gives the use of his house for the Irish
classes, for which the teacher and all the pupils feel deeply grateful.
The President, curator and staff of Waterford County Museum would like to wish all our members, visitors and donors a very happy Christmas and a bright, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Monday 20th December 10.15am-4.45pm
Tuesday 21st December 10.15am-4.45pm
Wednesday 22nd December 10.15am-4.45pm
Thursday 23rd December 10.15am-4.45pm
Friday 24th December ----- Closed
Museum will be closed from
24th December and will re-open on
4th January 2022.
Waterford County Museum are delighted to announce the opening of a new exhibition to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of one of Irelands greatest artists, Jack B Yeats. The exhibition is curated by Willie Fraher and Tony Hayes. Willie has uncovered the Yeats link with Dungarvan where he visited in 1924, painting a number of works. These were later acquired by the noted Republican Ernie O’Malley and his wife Helen Hooker O’Malley. We are grateful to their son Cormac O’Malley for providing images of two of the Dungarvan paintings.
The exhibition concentrates on Yeats drawings and illustrations. There is a selection of first edition books illustrated by Yeats such as: Life in The West of Ireland, The Aran Islands, and The Turf Cutters Donkey. Also on display are original hand-coloured prints by the Dun Emer and Cuala Press, and bookplates designed by Yeats. Museum staff member and artist Tony Hayes has reinterpreted some of Yeats drawings and these are available for kids or adults to colour in. There is also a sheet where you can design your own bookplate.
The curator would like to thank the following for their assistance in the preparation of this exhibition: Cormac O’Malley, Hilary Pyle, Julian Walton, Margo Kehoe, Joanne Rothwell, Waterford City & Co Archivist and some lenders who wish to remain anonymous.
The exhibition is open during normal museum hours.
Dungarvan leader 3rd July 1943
Corpus Christi
procession in Dungarvan -Inspiring Scenes
On Sunday last under the rays of a broiling Sun the
Annual Corpus Christi procession took place through the streets of
Dungarvan. As in former years, a very
large number of men, women and school children from the various Confraternities
sodalities and schools took part. The
fervour and devotion of the processionists as also of the many hundreds who
knelt in the streets as the Blessed Sacrament passed by was really inspiring.
The decorations all round were beautiful but the streets outside the
Presentation and Mercy Convents where many banners and a number of tableaux
were presented showed the minute preparation which the nuns had made for this great public demonstration of
our Faith, and of our love for the Blessed Sacrament.
Punctual at 2.30pm the Abbeyside Children of Mary,
together with the men and women of the Confraternities accompanied by Rev. J
Roche, PP and Rev M Power, CC, arrived to take up their places with the main
body which was drawn up in the Churchyard of St. Marys and along Mitchel
Street. On the stroke of 3pm the
procession headed by the Cross-bearer J F. Morrissey, moved off. The route was
the same as last year and the order of procession was as given in our last
issue. The canopy was carried by members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and
the Blessed Sacrament was borne by Very Rev T Canon O’ Brien, P.P, V.F,
assisted by Rev P Lannon and Rev J Lawn.
A Guard of Honour was provided by the Garda Siochana under Supt O’ Mahony,
and a Guard of Honour under Mr. J Lyons with fixed bayonets preceded the
canopy. Benediction was imparted at the
square and again outside the Church gates in beautiful alters erected for the
purpose, during which the entire congregation knelt in adoration of the King of
Kings, while members of the Dungarvan Brass and Reed band under Mr. M J McHugh,
Bandmaster sounded the salute and L D F Guard of Honour presented arms. Great
work in marshalling the procession was done by Rev P Farrell, CC, assisted by a
band of willing workers and helped in splendid fashion by the Abbeyside Troop
of Boy Scouts under their S M, Mr L, F. Lanigan solr, The St Marys Dungarvan,
troop of Scouts marched in a body in the procession. The clergy taking part were- Rev Dr Curtis,
Prior OSA, Rev Fr Magee, OSA, Rev Fr Doyle, OSA, Rev Fr Donegan OSA, Rev Fr
Conway PP, Kilgobnet, Rev Fr Power, CC, Dungarvan, Rev Fr Corbett CC do, Rev
Brother Flatley, had charge of the CBS boys. The singing of the faith of our
fathers after the second Benediction, brought the great occasion to a grand
The Museum would like to offer its condolences to
Willie, John and Martin Whelan and extended family on the recent passing of
their Mother Catherine Whelan (nee Leahy). May she rest in peace.
Standard 6th Feb 1937
On Saturday night Lord Charles and Lady Cavendish
entertained all the estate employees together with some members of their
families to a sumptuous repast at Lismore castle Co. Waterford, to which the
Tallow Piper’s Band were specially invited by Lord Charles to provided musical
entertainment for his guests. Irish and Scottish airs were a particular feature
of the programme. The occasion was
availed of to pay a tribute and bid adieu to Mr. Hey, who has been agent for
Lord Charles for a number of years, on departure to take up more responsible
duties on the Devonshire Estate in England.
Good wishes and bon voyage having been extended, Mr. Hey suitably
replied, and said he would always cherish his happy association with Lord and
Lady Cavendish, the Lismore property and its employees.
A further treat was then provided for the guests,
this being and entertainment specially arranged for at the Paladium Cinema Hall,
Parks Road, Lismore, to where the whole party proceeded, accompanied by the
pipers band playing suitable airs. The programme provided was fully enjoyed,
and at the conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was passed with the host and hostess,
accompanied by expressions of good wishes for their future happiness and
prosperity on the Lismore Estate.
Lord Charles Cavendidh (1905-1944) and Adele
Astaire (1896-1981) who were married in 1932. They lived at Lismore Castle,
where he died of alcoholism in 1944 at the age of 38. He is buried in St
Carthage's C of I Cathedral cemetery, Lismore.
The museum would like to offer its warmest
congratulations to Dervla Murphy of Lismore, well known travel writer on the
recent celebration of her 90th birthday. We will be featuring her
work in our new display on Waterford writers, which we hope to, have completed
early next year.
Observer 6th June 1925
“Clean Literature”
New Dungarvan
Parish Committee
Rev. Father Egan presided at the inaugural meeting
of the above held meeting in St. Marys Boy’s Club… there was a large attendance
of intending members. Dr. M. F. Moloney
was chairman and Mr. T.Y. Power, hon secretary P. Dunne and Michael Flynn were
hon Treasurers.
Father Egan, who has a keen interest in the working
of the Literature Service Guild that has been operating in the town for the
past twelve months, Fr. Egan felt that with such a committee he had no fear for
the success of the branch. He drew
attention to the advantages to be derived from the circulation of clean
literature in their midst, and hoped the good work carried on through the book
box in the church and the Literature Service Guild would be greatly augmented,
and in the future at least one Catholic newspaper or magazine would find its
way into the homes on Sundays. He paid a
tribute to the local newsagents and booksellers, who he said, were most careful
in the selection of literature they sold to the public. He thought the Executive Committee would be acting
in the strict censorship of all pictures shown locally, and finally he appealed
to all those present to use their influence in introducing as many as possible
to become members, so that large numbers
may receive the many spiritual favours granted by the Holy Sea to all those who
Supt. Murray C.G said he was most interested in
working for the society, and from a moral standpoint he promised to co-operate
fully with the committee in the good work they had undertaken. The committee were: Mrs. Gough Dower, O.B.E.,
Misses M. Forde, M. Fuge, M. Casey, E.M. Anthony, E. Brennan, Messrs John F.
Moloney; Arthur Glynn, Michael Keane, Thomas Casey, Dan Cooney and William O’Meara.
The Museum would like to congratulate Cian Flaherty
and the Ballyvoyle History Group on their recent book publication:
THE BALLYVOILE AMBUSH- a centenary study.
This book was sponsored by the Department of
Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gealtacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of
Centenaries 2012-2023 initiative and Waterford City and County Council Commemorations
This book is available at the Museum, we have a limited
amount of this book and it is free of charge.
Dungarvan Observer February 1918
Lismore Coal Fund
"The poor will
always be with us", is an old and true saying, but somehow or other they
have appeared to be forgotten this season by our wealthy friends. From time immemorial it has been the custom
of traders to give presents at the festive season, but in 1916 some or we should
say the majority of them failed to do so.
The excuse given, of course, was the war, which was a legitimate
one. On that occasion a collection was
made and a quantity of firewood secured gratis, we understand, from the Duke of
Devonshire. Carters had to be paid for
distributing some, and the result was poor helpless women had huge logs of
firewood delivered to their doors for days.
It was then stated that this was a ruse of the traders to discontinue
the custom of Christmas present, but we cannot vouch for the truth of that
assertion. The fact however remains, at
1917 Christmas neither presents or firewood had been given, and it is to this
that we intend to chiefly allude. The district
of Dungarvan set us a worthy example in this respect-when they collected £163
odd and had distributed over 63 tons of coal to the deserving poor. When are we to make a move here. What are our City Fathers doing? Are there not
tons of timber still in the locality knocked by the recent storm? Surely the public men of the town are not
going to allow the occasion to pass by.
The traders also, we are certain, will not be content until the wants of
the poor are satisfied. Any movement
initiated with the object of planning a coal or timber fund for the poor will
have our hearty co-operation. Since the
above was written a Jumble Sale in aid of the coal and timber fund organised by
kind ladies in the district, has been held at the Courthouse. The sale was a splendid
success, but the amount realised was nothing compared with what it should be if
the traders co-operated the same as they did last year.
Stories from Old Newspapers
Waterford News 3rd August
Dungarvan Improvements
we want here is a few enterprising broad-minded businessmen who would now take
advantage of the “rising tide " and give the town a push forward. It must be admitted that members of the Urban
District Council are doing their best... and cannot effect any radical
alteration without taxing the people... Nature has done everything for
Dungarvan, which if it were situated across the water... would, in 24 hours,
make its fortune. We have here a
splendid landlocked harbour with miles upon miles of sanded beach for sea
bathing, and with a foot bridge to the Cunnigar, which would cost inside of £
railway company, who derive a considerable increase in their funding from the
advantages offered to tourists by the situation and surroundings of the town,
would no doubt, assist in the undertaking as they have done with the
construction of the sea wall at Youghal.
The Urban District Council are now constructing a boat slip at the Promenade
[The Lookout] and when this is completed it will be possible for tourists without
any inconvenience to reach the boats from the end of the Promenade.
great want here is that visitors must wait for the tide morning and evening to
have a “dip”, whereas at the very trifling cost, part of the bathing place
could be enclosed by a concrete wall, and fresh sea water could be stored up,
so that people could enjoy a bath at all hours of the day. We trust this matter will receive the
attention of the council.
Council of the Irish Genealogical Research Society have announced that the 2021
recipient of the Wallace Clare Award is Julian C. Walton, MA, FIGRS.
"Julian has made a truly remarkable contribution to the study of Irish
genealogy over five decades. Through his meticulous research and scholarly
articles, his transcription of memorial inscriptions and his engaging
communication of genealogical and local history topics, he has contributed
greatly to the furtherance of ancestral research in Ireland."
is a long time supporter and current Trustee of Waterford County Museum. On
behalf of all in the museum I would like to congratulate him on this well
deserved honour.
Dungarvan Observer editorial, 26 October, 1940
Were an invasion to be attempted, it can be taken as a
certainty that an air armada would form the vanguard of the invading forces.
Conquered Continental countries have experienced examples of this, and similar
methods are being applied across-channel as a prelude to an invasion. This
aspect of the situation must not be neglected.
The Old Borough of Dungarvan here is a very vulnerable
seaport town. The dangers from bombing must be guarded against. Up-to-date
fire-fighting appliances and an adequate number of well-trained A.R.P. warders
are absolutely essential for the defence of the town, which by the way is
already receiving admirable voluntary services from the Parish Council, Local
Security Force, and Sub-Branch of the Irish Red Cross Society. It has been
established since the bombing of the English Metropolis that civilian
casualties are four to one of military. Many and varied are the ways A.R.P.
wardens could act – even as auxiliaries to the Red Cross in the aiding of
civilians in the event of any bombs being dropped. Dungarvan dwellers should be
alive to the position, as well as the inhabitants of other towns. Every strictly
necessary precautionary measure must be taken immediately to reduce the number
of casualties in air raids.
Irish Ships Attacked
The Government Information Bureau has issued the
following statement on behalf of the Dept of External Affairs:
‘The Irish-registered vessel, M.V. Edenvale (44 gross
tons), was fired on by an aircraft at 6.15 p.m. on October 17, near Helvick
Head, co Waterford. Members of the crew identified the aircraft as German. None
of the crew was injured. The damage to the vessel is not serious. The Charge
D’Affaires in Berlin has been instructed to lodge a protest with the German
Government and to claim compensation’.
The Nazi had drafted “Operation Green” in the summer
which included a plan to invade Ireland along the coast between Wexford and
Observer 7 March 1925
Mr Miller’s Sweet Factory
In times of
depression and trade stagnation, it is a cheerful thing to see new industries
started and trade developed along the lines hitherto neglected. Recently we
have had the opportunity afforded us of inspecting the sweet factory
established by Mr Miller, Main Street, Dungarvan, and it is proof of what can
be done by initiative and business enterprise combined and properly directed.
There has always been and ever will be a demand for sweet things. The taste is
not confined to children, as in most cases those who have left the stage of
youth a considerable distance behind are as enthusiastic for delectable sweets
as they were in the days of their youth.
To meet
that demand and to cater for the general deficit in the matter of sweets of all
sorts and to meet every palate, Mr Miller has spared no expense in equipping
his new factory, and with a specially trained staff he is turning out his goods
in the most finished style and up to the standard of the best and most famous
manufacturers. In the hard days which have come on our country and which, we
are told, are part of the freedom we have got, our people must be up and doing,
and only in the development of our multifarious resources and the establishment
of new industries ion a proper basis can we hope to achieve success. Mr Miller
deserves well of the community at large for what he is doing…Now that the
government are fostering the production of sugar beet, 20 acres of which will
be grown in the County of Waterford this year, it is quite within the theory of
probabilities that in a short time Mr Miller will be using locally manufactures
sugar for his factory.
Our exhibition on Gallowshill won the National Heritage Week award for Waterford. Well done to Museum curator William Fraher for assembling the artefacts and panels documenting the work of our Community Archaeology project which explains the history of Gallowshill, Dungarvan Caves, Vikings and Medieval Dungarvan over the last few years.
Our thanks to the Heritage Council for the grant aid under the Community Heritage Grant 2021 for the new case and panels in the exhibition.
Lismore Cathedral CLG set up a charitable initiative called Verso Art. The aim of the project is “to sell original works of art donated by artists, all in the same postcard size format, on a single day, without revealing the identity of the artist”.
Over 800 works were submitted and these are on display for a limited period at Lismore Castle Art Gallery from 23 – 31 October 2021.
On 6 November 2021 all art works will be available for sale from 10 a.m. For further details and to register see Versoart.ie.
Museum curator William Fraher is one of the contributing artists.
Historian Julian Walton has written a fascinating article on the history of the Cathedral which can be seen in the current issue of “The Irish Arts Review”.
Well done to all concerned, artists and organisers.
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Lismore Castle |
Waterford News 4 May 1900
The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire in Lismore
Every Sunday when residing at their beautiful Irish seat, Lismore Castle, on the Blackwater, the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire attend morning service at Lismore Cathedral. They occupy the front pew, and it is amusing to see how the Duke, during the Psalms, turns around and takes a long look and leisurely survey of the congregation. He follows the service with an old quarto prayer-book, which has belonged to his family for more than a century, and he wears very large double-eyeglasses, framed with brown wooden rims. The Duchess who is rather High Court, is extremely reverent in her demeanor. Each invariably puts a sovereign into the collection plate.
The Duke is a very keen fisherman. When staying at Lismore he is generally out trying for salmon by six o’clock every morning. The fishing on both banks of the water is strictly reserved for his own use whilst he is in Ireland. His skill and luck are not equal to his enthusiasm, and his efforts this season seem to have only been rewarded with one fish. The Duchess who often used to handle a rod herself, seems to have tired of the sport; but the Duke now prefers it even to racing.
The Duke, in the opinion of his Irish neighbours, is hardly so robust as he was two years ago. Whilst his face is as massive and as impassive as ever, he does not seem to walk with the same vigor as of old, but he is marvellously alert for his sixty-seven years. It was once said of him that he forever looked mildly astonished at a world which had thrust much dignities and responsibilities upon him. All the world knows the long and idyllic romance which culminated in the marriage of the Duke of Devonshire and the widow of the late Duke of Manchester. The pair are inseparable. She sits on the bank whilst he fishes, and together they ramble on foot over the neighbourhood, perpetually talking, and with the light flashes of amused laughter illuminating their conversation. The Duchess speaks English with a strong German accent, and the Duke’s eye frequently follows her about the room, with a tenderness in his gaze which is very strange in so impassive a politician.
The Duke of Devonshire
Spencer Compton Cavendish 8th Duke of Devonshire (1833 - 1908), leader of Liberal Unionist Party (1886 - 1903). He succeeded as Duke of Devonshire in 1891. He was nick-named "Harty-Tarty". For many years he had a mistress, Catherine Walters (Skittles). In 1892 he married Louisa Frederica Augusta Von Alton, widow of 7th Duke of Manchester.
We were saddened to hear of the passing of museum member John O'Brien. John donated the penny farthing bicycle on display in the museum which he used to cycle each year in the St. Patrick's Day Parade. John kindly made two display stands for the two bicycles which are on display in the museum.
We would like to extend our sympathies to John's family and friends.
Ar dheis Dé go raith a anam.
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Geraldine Stenson presenting the antique christening robe to Willie Fraher, curator |
We were delighted to welcome Geraldine Stenson and her husband Rod who travelled from Scotland. Geraldine is a descendant of the noted Brenan family of Dungarvan who were cyclists, photographers and local historians. The curator showed them the recent donations of Brenan “memorabilia” and the cup for the first challenge cycle race which took place in Dungarvan in 1869.
presented the museum with an antique christening gown which has been in the
Brenan family for generations.
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Willie Fraher, curator with Geraldine Stenson and her husband Rod |
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Fair Green Lismore, c. 1916 |
News 1 June 1900
Bazaar and Fancy Fair, held in the Fair Field, on Tuesday and Wednesday, proved
a great success and must have proved very satisfying to the Rev. T. McGrath
P.P., and his zealous curates, Rev. F. Coughlan C.C., and Rev. T. Mockler
C.C… The object of the Bazaar was a most
deserving one, namely, to help to wipe off the debt of over £4,000 which is
still due on the beautiful Catholic church of St. Carthage here. Ideal summer weather favoured the Bazaar on
both days and the attendance, which was mostly local, was of a large and highly
fashionable character. Return tickets at
single fares were issued from Cork and Waterford, and all intermediary
stations...but…very few attended from any of the outlying stations. Father McGrath has every reason to be proud
at having such plucky and generous people as his parishioners…[He] has brought
about wonderful improvements in the chapel and in the parish generally since he
was appointed Parish Priest…two years ago.
Bazaar opened each day at 11 o’clock and remained open until 10.30 each
night. The pretty grounds…were
beautifully decorated with flags, bunting and evergreens which converted the
place into a veritable fairyland. The
programme of amusements was extensive…Shooting Galleries, Variety
Entertainments, Palmistry, Horse Jumping and many other attractive items. The Stalls were very prettily fitted up…and
stocked with useful and valuable articles and the graceful and handsome
stallholders did a roaring trade, as few could resist their lovely and
seductive smiles….The pretty young ladies who had no permanent stalls but who
hawked their goods around the field…were a perfect dream of loveliness in their
dainty and charming costumes, and if anyone doubted…that Lismore abounded with
pretty girls with rosy cheeks and rogish bewitching eyes, they only had to
visit the fair.
military band from Fermoy performed in the grounds each day…the Variety
Entertainment…was very capably managed by Mr. J. Geary. “Mick Enright”, the
popular comedian and banjo and mandolin player kept the house in roars…A number
of the young boys from the Christian Brothers School appeared on both days and
gave some splendid exhibitions of Dumb Bell practice, Physical Drill and
Marching. They next sang several songs
in choral…also Irish Step Dancing. Mr.
W. S. Whale, organist of the Protestant Church presided at the piano on both
days…it must be said that the Protestant element around Lismore gave the Bazaar
their warmest support both physically and financially.