Day: Thursday evenings
Starting Time: 8p.m.
Light refreshments will be served.
There will be a small admission fee on the night
Each lecture lasts about one hour and is followed by a question and answer session.
The Programme is as follows:-
Jan. 16th Julian Walton: Mount Congreve and the Congreve family
Jan. 23rd Julian Walton: John Roberts, Waterford's architect, 1714-2014
Jan. 30th Julian Walton: Margaret Aylward, her family and her orphans
Feb. 6th Julian Walton: Death comes to Ballynatray
Feb. 13th Andy Kelly: Some remarkable Waterford women
Feb. 20th Julian Walton: 1914: Sleepwalking into war
Feb. 27th Eddie Cantwell:" To Hell or Australia" The Dungarvan orphan girls 1849-1850
March 6th Julian Walton: A surprise!
March 13th Sean Curry: "Out of darkness" The electrification of rural Ireland
March 20th Pat McCarthy: "Hanged on Ballybricken Hill:" Capital punishment in 19th century Waterford
For more details, contact 051-396934 or see website.www.dunhilleducation.com