Wednesday 11th December 2019 - Christmas Evening for Museum Members


We will have a little Christmas party for our members on Wednesday 11th December from 7.30 p.m. onwards in the museum.

If you are free come along and enjoy some light refreshments and entertainment!

New Book on Walsh / Welsh Family

Spencer Welsh has just published a 1000 page account of the Walsh/Welsh family of Kilongford, Woodstock, Pilltown, Glenard, etc.  The book has taken decades to research and is copiously illustrated with Spencer's own watercolour sketches, family trees and coats of arms.  He has included a chapter on the murder of the "minor" Charles Welsh of Glenard House.

Spencer and his wife Gill called to the museum this week to show us the impressive publication.

Thursday 12th to Saturday 14th December 2019 - Annual Book Sale


Our Annual Book sale will take place from Thursday 12th to Saturday 14th December from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in Dan McCarthy's former paint and wallpaper shop on Friary Street.  Volunteers are required to help during the sale and if you are available to assist please contact the museum at (058) 45960 or by email at

Books for the sale can be dropped into the museum in Friary Street until Wednesday 11th at 5 p.m.

Please no magazines, text books or encyclopaedias.  Books must be in good condition.  Thank you.

Venue:   Dan McCarthy's former paint and wallpaper shop, Friary Street.

Date:     Thursday 12th - Saturday 14th December 2019

Time:     10 a. m. - 8 p.m. 

Next Events in SGC Cinema Dungarvan

Next events in SGC Cinema Dungarvan are:

December 8th:     Friends 25th Anniversary, Part 1.

December 10th      Copelia: from the Royal Ballet London

December 11th      Friends 25th Anniversary, part 2

December 15th    Friends 25th Anniversary part 3

December 16th    In Search of Beethoven

December 17th    The Nutcracker: From the Royal Ballet London

December 21st    The Nutcracker: from the Royal Ballet London

December 31st      Berliner Philharmoniker Live New Year’s Eve Concert

It's advisable to purchase tickets now before the performances are sold out!

Tickets are available to members of the Museum at a significant discount. Call to the Museum to collect your concession tickets.

This is thanks to Eugene Tobin, Manager and SGC Cinema.  So don't be disappointed and book now!

Photo of the Week

Can you identify anyone in this photo of the Waterford group in Lourdes in 1970s?  If so, please let us know.

Lecture by Joanne Rothwell, County Archivist in Dungarvan Harbour Sailing Club

Joanne Rothwell, County Archivist give an illustrated lecture entitled “From the Cradle to the Grave”: The Work of the Sanitary Officer, on Wednesday last in Dungarvan Sailing Club.  The talk was very well attended and enjoyed by everyone. 

Our sincere thanks once again to Austin Flynn and the Dungarvan Harbour Sailing Club for allowing us the use of their excellent premises for our talks. 

Photo of the Week

                     Can you identify anyone in this photo? If so please let us know.

Stories from Old Newspapers

Waterford News 28th September 1866

                                         Improvements in Dungarvan

The Augustinian church -  the railing which surrounds the new alter of this beautiful church was now been stained and completely finished by a young mechanic, a native of this town named Robert Power. Several specimens of wood staining were presented by parties from surrounding towns to the Rev. P. Toomy O.S. A., and from his taste and judgment he selected that of Mr. Power.  The work has been remarkably well executed , it's the admiration of all...  The top rail is finished  in French polish, and the entire work is proof of native talent. 
Great improvement is carrying on by J.R. Power, Esq. J.P., on the Buttery, which has given much employment to masons and labourers for the past month.  The property was purchased by Mr. Power in the Encumbered Estates Court.  The Town Commissioners are also carrying out  improvements in the immediate vicinity of the above locality,  in opening a new street , from the verge  of Mr. John Walls premises, to the spring road.   This improvement when completed, will be a great public advantage.    The commissioners have also done great service as to the sewerage in many parts of the town lately.

At Abbeyside there has been a decided improvements... especially in the Humble-Street, the houses in that district being all whitewashed both on the interior and exterior, the dung pits- filled up, and the premises to the rear are now in the most satisfactory condition.

Upcoming Events in SGC Cinema

The following is a list of upcoming performances which will be screened live at the SGC in Dungarvan

It's advisable to purchase tickets now before the performances are sold out. 

Tickets are available to members of the Museum at a significant discount.
Call to the Museum to collect your concession tickets.
This is thanks to Eugene Tobin, Manager and SGC Cinema.

So don't be disappointed and book now!

November 28       Present Laughter:  From the Old Vic London.
December 2nd      Les Miserables:  The staged Musical
December 8th:      Friends 25th Anniversary, Part 1.
December 10th      Copelia: from the Royal Ballet London
December 11th      Friends 25th Anniversary, part 2
December 15th     Friends 25th Anniversary part 3
December 16th     In Search of Beethoven
December 17th     The Nutcracker: From the Royal Ballet London
December 21st     The Nutcracker: from the Royal Ballet London
December 31st       Berliner Philharmoniker Live New Year’s Eve Concert

Wednesday 27th November 2019 - "From the Cradle to the Grave": The Work of the Sanitary Officer - An Illustrated Lecture by Joanne Rothwell, County Archivist

An Illustrated lecture by County Archivist; Joanne Rothwell

Forthcoming lecture with the wonderful ‘romantic’ title "From the Cradle to the Grave”: The Work of the Sanitary Officer. And who better to deliver this talk than the County Archivist, Miss Joanne Rothwell. For those of you who have recovered from William’s talk last month, be prepared to be dragged further into our murky past, when our poor ancestors scraped out an existence in order to survive…well, some of them did!  But then, along came the Sanitary Officer…
Improvements in the survival rates of people in Ireland in the 19th and 20th centuries owes much to the work of the Sanitary Officers appointed to oversee a huge range of issues from clean water; diseases and control of infections; hospital accommodation; bath-houses; slaughter-houses; lodging houses; schools, mortuaries and burial grounds.  Every aspect of life from the cradle to the grave came under their remit and the records of the work of the sanitary officers are often one of the only places we can glimpse the lives of ordinary people struggling to survive.  In this talk the Archivist will give people a chance to explore a little of what life was like in sometimes gross and gory detail.

Venue:            Dungarvan Harbour Sailing Club on Davitts Quay

Date:              Wednesday 27th November 2019

Time:              8 p.m.

Admission:     €5.00 

 As always, all are welcome.  Be Early!

Photo of the Week

Can you identify anyone in this photo? If so please let us know.

Stories from Old Newspapers

Dungarvan Observer 2 May 1925

A New Ferryboat - Youghal Notes

It is stated on good authority that the Waterford Co. Council have placed a contract for a new ferry boat for the Blackwater at Villierstown, with the Messrs Aherne, boat builders, Strand Street, Youghal.  This is certainly another addition to the many instances of go-aheadedness of the Waterford Co. Council as compared to our own Cork Council.

The Placing of the contract with Messrs Aherne is a proof of the name they have gained for turning out their work.  Last year they built a splendid fishing boat for a returned Irish-American, who was highly satisfied with the craft.

Thursday 28th November 2019 NT Live: Present Laughter (Captured Live) In SGC Cinema

We have another special for our Museum members in 
conjunction with SGC Cinema.  Members can avail of reduced rates to 
events courtesy of Mr. Eugene Tobin, Manager SGC Cinema, Dungarvan. 

It is advisable to book your tickets in advance for these events. 

Members can call to the museum to pick up their concession tickets. 

The event is: NT Live: Present Laughter (Captured Live)

It will be shown in SGC Dungarvan on Thursday 28th November 2019 at 8 p.m. 

Stories from Old Newspapers

Dungarvan Observer 2 March 1918

Sinn Féin Branch Formed in Ballyduff and Macollop    By E. A. Murphy

On Sunday, February 24th…. a public meeting was held in Ballyduff to organise a Sinn Féin Club in the combined parishes of Ballyduff and Macollop.  Mr P. O’Sullivan, President of Kent Sinn Féin Club, Lismore; Mr. J. O’Gorman, Lismore; and Captain James Madden of the Irish Volunteers, Lismore were the speakers.

The large crowd….gave the speakers an enthusiastic reception.  Mr. O’Sullivan….explained the objects for which the meeting was called, and explained what Sinn Féin stands for.  Mr. O’Gorman…. In his handling of the subject proved himself to be a very able speaker.

Captain James Madden…..treated on the industrial side of Sinn Féin in an able manner.  The meeting was brought to a close by Mr. O’Gorman’s fine rendering of “The Soldier’s Song”, in which the crowd joined.  After the meeting sixty people handed in their names as members.  Mr. John Daly was elected President; Mr. John Cashin, Hon. Sec., and Mr. James Quirke, Treasurer.  The Ballyduff and Macollop Corps of Volunteers attended in full strength. 

Photo of the Week

Can you identify anyone in this photo?  If so, please let us know.

Thursday 7th November 2019 NT Live: Hansard (Live) in SGC Cinema

We have another special for our Museum members in 
conjunction with SGC Cinema.  Members can avail of reduced rates to 
events courtesy of Mr. Eugene Tobin, Manager SGC Cinema, Dungarvan. 

It is advisable to book your tickets in advance for these events. 

Members can call to the museum to pick up their concession tickets. 

The event is: NT Live: Hansard (Live)

It will be shown in SGC Dungarvan on Thursday 7th November 2019 at 7 p.m. 

Sunday 10th November & Tuesday 12th November 2019 42nd Street - The Musical in SGC Cinema

We have another special for our Museum members in 
conjunction with SGC Cinema.  Members can avail of reduced rates to 
events courtesy of Mr. Eugene Tobin, Manager SGC Cinema, Dungarvan. 

It is advisable to book your tickets in advance for these events. 

Members can call to the museum to pick up their concession tickets. 

The event is: 42nd Street - The Musical  

It will be shown in SGC Dungarvan on at 4.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.Sunday 10th November 2019 

and again at

7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 12th November 2019

Children's Event in the Museum at Halloween

Two scary visitors to the Museum at Halloween
 Our Halloween event for children was another great success!

The children made their own Halloween masks to take home.

Thanks to museum staff member Tony Hayes and his artistic team for organising the event. 

 We look forward to having more children’s events in the museum in the coming                                                   months.
Information will be in the local newspapers, on Facebook and Twitter.

Photo of the Week

Can you identify anyone in this photo?  If so, please let us know by phone at (058) 45960 or email at

Decies - Historical Journal on sale in Waterford County Museum

Decies, (vol. 75), the historical journal of the Waterford Archaeological & Historical Society is on sale in Waterford County Museum for €20.00.

This book has contributions from Eddie Cantwell, Chrissie Knight-O’Connor and Cian Flaherty.  Niall O’Mahony who had work placement in the museum while studying in U.C.C. also has a piece about “The Morris Papers” which are in the museum archive.

Donation of painting to the Museum

Maighread O'Riordan donating the painting of Mrs. Murphy to William Fraher, Museum Curator

The museum has received a donation of a painting of Mrs. Murphy, fish seller by American artist Velma Sorensen Limmeroth.  The painting won first prize at Tillamook County Fair and Maighread brought it from the United States for the museum.

The history of the painting is that Velma was very touched by a poem that Michael Wright had written about Mrs. Murphy and after hearing her history from Maighread, she decided to paint the picture.  Michael passed away while Velma was painting the picture and Velma added the Mat Hatter’s hat in his memory.  This painting has been seen online and was part of an art exhibition in the United States.

Velma has donated it to the museum in the memory of Mrs. Murphy and Michael Wright R.I.P.  The painting can be viewed in the museum.

Thank you to Mary Giblin

Mary Giblin retired from her post as Treasurer of the Museum this week.

We are very grateful to Mary for all the hard work she has done over the years.  

The Museum is delighted that Mary has decided to remain on the Committee.

Talk by William Fraher in Sailing Club

Some of those attending William's Talk in the Sailing Club

William Fraher’s talk ‘Wretched & Unsanitary - Working Class Houses in Dungarvan 1800 -1970’ took place in the wonderful surroundings of Dungarvan Harbour  Sailing Club premises on Dungarvan Quay.  The talk was very well attended and was certainly an eye opener, with lots of questions at the end of the talk.

Our sincere thanks to Austin Flynn and the Dungarvan Harbour sailing club for allowing us the use of their excellent premises for our talks. It has been a huge success with large numbers  attending the lectures.

Stories from Old Newspapers

Waterford News 3 November 1922

Pilot Thomas Murray, Abbeyside.

The death occurred a few days ago rather unexpectedly of Pilot Thomas Murray of Abbeyside, Dungarvan, a man well known in this locality….He had reached a good old age, probably up to 80 years.  He had been for a number of years a pilot in the town, and was well known as Captain Murray.  He had sailed to almost every portion of the known world, and many years ago he was precluded from following his avocation of a sailor by the loss of the right arm in an accident.

On coming home he took up the work of pilot, and many a vessel he guided into the harbour, avoiding the sand banks….What adds to the melancholy character of his death is the fact that he was one of the four who went to meet the S.S. Cargan on coming into harbour a fortnight ago as their boat capsized, and one of the hands, Maurice Noonan, was lost.  Captain Murray on the occasion was submerged in the water, but clinging onto the boat with one hand he was rescued, but the submersion told on his aged frame, and he never received his older vigour.  He died a Christian death….surrounded by his people.

An old affection was held for him in the town, his voice could often be heard at the Look Out directing boats in the harbour.  He was good humoured and well skilled in the duties he had taken up.  As an old man it was a treat to hear him recount the changes of the times with respect to the inhabitants of Abbeyside.  There where many ruins lie, showing where happy families once lived, he could tell you of the former residents.

He had children but they are all gone away to other parts, and they will hear of his demise with much sorrow.