Wednesday 27th November 2019 - "From the Cradle to the Grave": The Work of the Sanitary Officer - An Illustrated Lecture by Joanne Rothwell, County Archivist

An Illustrated lecture by County Archivist; Joanne Rothwell

Forthcoming lecture with the wonderful ‘romantic’ title "From the Cradle to the Grave”: The Work of the Sanitary Officer. And who better to deliver this talk than the County Archivist, Miss Joanne Rothwell. For those of you who have recovered from William’s talk last month, be prepared to be dragged further into our murky past, when our poor ancestors scraped out an existence in order to survive…well, some of them did!  But then, along came the Sanitary Officer…
Improvements in the survival rates of people in Ireland in the 19th and 20th centuries owes much to the work of the Sanitary Officers appointed to oversee a huge range of issues from clean water; diseases and control of infections; hospital accommodation; bath-houses; slaughter-houses; lodging houses; schools, mortuaries and burial grounds.  Every aspect of life from the cradle to the grave came under their remit and the records of the work of the sanitary officers are often one of the only places we can glimpse the lives of ordinary people struggling to survive.  In this talk the Archivist will give people a chance to explore a little of what life was like in sometimes gross and gory detail.

Venue:            Dungarvan Harbour Sailing Club on Davitts Quay

Date:              Wednesday 27th November 2019

Time:              8 p.m.

Admission:     €5.00 

 As always, all are welcome.  Be Early!