Story of old Newspapers

Waterford Mail 8 September 1871
This interesting contest came off on Tuesday evening at five o’clock. There was a very large and respectable assembly of the people of the town and surrounding districts distributed along the entire route – viz., from the top of William Street, through the Square, Bridge Street, Causeway, and Abbeyside. For the first race, distance four miles, for a beautiful silver cup, three ran – Messrs Brenan (the winner last year), Shaw and Fitzgerald. The running was excellent; time, twelve minutes. Brenan, who appears to be a general favourite, won easily, amidst great cheers from the assembled crowds, and waving of handkerchiefs by the ladies.
Second and Last Race – For a splendid gold pin. Four started – Messrs James Barr, Shaw, Fitzgerald, and Cooper – over the same course, Barr won. Fitzgerald, who was leading at the time, came to grief at Abbeyside, and Shaw who made a very good run, considering his previous efforts, from which he must have been somewhat exhausted, retired from the contest on the second heat. Considerable excitement was manifested in these sports, and people appeared to be highly amused throughout with the proceedings, which terminated about nightfall. 

Upcoming events at SGC Dungarvan

Upcoming events at SGC Dungarvan

Running Time: 135 minutes - Musical
Kinky Boots, the Musical, filmed live at the Adelphi Theatre in the heart of London’s West End, is strutting onto the big screen! With songs from Grammy and Tony award-winning pop icon Cindy Lauper, book by legendary Broadway playwright Harvey Fierstein (La Cage Aux Folles), and direction and choreography by Jerry Mitchell (Legally Blonde, Hairspray), the musical is based on the film written by Geoff Deane and Tim Firth. Inspired by true events, this huge-hearted hit tells the story of two people with nothing in common or so they think. Charlie (Killian Donnelly) is a factory owner struggling to save his family business, and Lola (Matt Henry) is a fabulous entertainer with a wildly exciting idea. With a little compassion and a lot of understanding, this unexpected pair learn to embrace their differences and create a line of sturdy stilettos unlike any the world has ever seen! But in the end, their most sensational achievement is their friendship. This unmissable musical theatre event celebrates a joyous story of British grit transforming into a high-heeled hit as it takes you from the factory floor of Northampton to the glamorous catwalks of Milan! A glorious high-kicking romp - Evening Standard, Dazzling, fabulously sassy and uplifting Time Out: Tue 04/02/2020: 7:30pm: Sun 09/02/2020, 4:30pm

Photo of the week

Can you identify anyone in this  photo taken in , Dungarvan.  If so, please let us know.  This photograph is one of thousands available to view online on


Series XIV, 2020

The series will run for ten weeks, every Thursday from 9 January to 12 March.  Lectures are held at Dunhill Multi-Education Centre (opposite the GAA grounds: Eircode - X91 FVF9). 
Starting at 8 p.m., each lecture lasts about an hour and is followed by a question & answer session and light refreshments.

The next lecture will be held on Thursday 30 January.  The speaker will be Julian Walton and his subject will be:

The Hore family of Dungarvan

The Hores (the name means “white-haired”) were the leading merchant family in Dungarvan during the 16th and 17th centuries and also had a fine mansion at Shandon outside the town.  The map of their estate, drawn up in 1760, now restored and on display in our County Museum, provides a fascinating and indispensable record of Dungarvan 260 years ago

We hope you will be able to attend.

Photo of the Week

Can you identify anyone in this Abbeyside scouts photo taken in , Dungarvan.  If so, please let us know.  This photograph is one of thousands available to view online on

Story of old newspapers

Waterford Mail 17 July 1863
Bowling at The Hermitage Abbeyside
Sub-constable Goff summoned Patrick Sullivan, William Carroll, Maurice Quann, and Paddy Hearn, for bowling on the public road at ‘Hermitage’ , on the 6th inst, James Murphy, on the part of complainant deposed that he saw Maurice Quann and the other three defendants bowling on the road…Sub-constable: I told Quann that I would summon him, and he told me to do my best, that he was as well able to pay the cost as myself. Fined one shilling each with costs. The parties applied to the court to allow them a week for payment which was granted.

The Sheare Street Social Club, a Play by Jim Cullinane
Jim Cullinane’s Play ‘The Sheare Street Social Club’ comes to the Town Hall Theatre Dungarvan on Wednesday 5th February in the form of a dramatized read with costume of the period, with filmed scenes and original music.
Jim bases his play on the social club which was located there in the 50s. Jim Cullinane, who left for America as a young man, married Anne Tyrell of Murphy Place Abbeyside. It is true to say that the couple welcomed many of Dungarvan’s young people to the States and helped them settle there.  Jim took with him memories of Abbeyside of that time; many of his characters are drawn from true life and indeed Abbeyside Characters. Obviously, he has given them new names, and this is a work of fiction drawn from true life in Abbeyside and Dungarvan of the period.
 Waterford County Museum/ Gallows Hill Community group are very grateful to Jim for giving us his play as a fund raiser to cover our continued   cost of investigation at Gallows Hill it is directed by Deirdre Collender and filmography by John Foley, with original music composed and performed by Donal Power.
 This is a new direction for Jim’s play which was acclaimed in New York where it was staged for one week. The introduction of filming scenes at Alice O’Connor’s Pub in Abbeyside and at Merry’s on the Main Street will add that extra dimension to the stage performance. The best of both worlds, Theatre and Film. The mechanics of controlling this aspect of the performance falls to Dirk Baumann who is an expert in his field. All of this, with a cup of tea or coffee promises to make for a wonderful evening. Keep in mind, this is for one night only, and the play has some adult themes, and will be unsuitable for children. Admission is €10

Photo of the Week

    Can you identify anyone in this photo of the Dungarvan Town 

Thomas Power Decedents visit from New Zeeland

Thomas Power Decedents visit from New Zeeland

We Were delighted to host a visit from a group of Maori from Hamilton New Zealand who are descended from Thomas Power who left County Waterford in the 1830S . Robbie Neha and his Family are Trying to trace their Waterford ancestors . Robbie is a television producer / Director and he is making a documentary on their Power ancestor.  Tom Roa gave a PowerPoint presentation on the families history in New Zealand . Conner Power of Waterford county council brought them then to Dunhill Castle and they also met with the county and city archivist , Joanne Rothwell.
Willie was presented with carvings and paintings as donation to the Waterford County Museum . It was a most unusual and enjoyable evening and we wish them luck in finding more about Thomas Power’s origins.  

A personal view of the ‘Sheare Street Social Club’

By Proinnsias Breathnach
Proinnsias Breathnach has passed on some of his memories to us about the ‘Sheare Street Social Club’, several Abbeyside people have approached with information regarding the facilities of the club. Proinnsias about sums up what most of them remember.

‘I was a regular denizen of the Sheare’s Street Social Club in the late 1960s when I was in my late teens.  We just called it “The Club”.  During this period the Chairman was Maurice “Monsy” Waters, although we only ever saw him at AGMs, as he was never to be seen in the club on a day-to-day basis.

Going into the club from the street, there was a snooker table on the left-hand side.  It would more accurately be called a billiards table, as that was the game that was regularly played on the table.  Hardly ever heard of nowadays, billiards involved just three balls, two white balls (one for each player, with one having a black dot to distinguish it from the other).  The main way of scoring was to hit both the other balls in the one shot, which was known as a “cannon”, worth two points.  If you potted the red ball, you got three points, with the red ball being replaced on the table.  If you potted the other player’s ball, you got two points, but his ball was not replaced, which meant the only way you could score from then on was through potting the red.  The first person to get to 101

points won the game. It was a three-quarters size table, which made it easier to play billiards than with a full-size table, which may help explain why it was more popular than snooker.

On the right hand side of the room there was a radio on the wall which mainly played Radio Luxembourg in the evenings.  There may have been a darts and a rings board there, (there was)  but I don’t remember them.  At the far end of the room from the entrance door was the area where cards were played.  This was the most popular activity in the club, with the big games being 45, Poker and Brag (a 3-card version of Poker which was a great favourite of Gerald “Tricky” Cashman, who lived just down the street.

The Sheare Street Social Club.

The Sheare Street Social club is named after a small Clubhouse which local people in Abbeyside built. It is here in the 50s that the local men-folk met up, played cards, rings, dart’s, and pool. Jim Cullinane set his play here. It could be any small clubhouse in Ireland. Jim tells us that;   ‘There is an air of decline, a scent of death almost, amid all the repartee, wisecracks and talk. It’s as if they know this environment is in decline – of male only social club habitués – and soon cracks appear. They begin to question their existence, how they’ll be remembered, their dreams abandoned, and their potential unrealized. But in the end they decide to try – to do better, realize dreams, make a difference.’  This is a thought provoking play, and will give people a true taste of life in the 50s. It is a time when only the business and ‘professional’ people had a phone in their homes. An outside toilet was a luxury, families sat around the radio to listen to the hurling and football commentary. Well, those that had a radio, that is!  There was no TV. Work was scarce and emigration was an option for many. Much of Jim Cullinan’s work has its roots in Abbeyside. Born and reared around the corner form Sheare Street , his growing up there is inherent  in his memories. His great love for Dungarvan and Abbeyside is clearly evident in all his work. Having said that, Jim’s play could be cast in any Village in Ireland of the 50s. Critics have said of his play; ‘Funny, irreverent and profound.’   The Sheare Street Social Club takes place on Wednesday February 5th at 8 pm, in the Town Hall theatre Dungarvan. It is directed by Deirdre Collinder, Cinematography is by John Foley, and new music and songs have been composed by Abbeyside’s Donal Power. It stars  Rian Ó’ Donoghue, Aaron Cowming Pat Power, Michael Drummy, Ollie Kiely, Raymond Tobin Walsh, Mark O’Rourke, and Michael O’ Mahoney.   This is a night not to be missed. Remember, it is for one night only, refreshment will also be served. Waterford County Museum Dungarvan would like to thanks all those wonderful people who have given their time freely to stage this wonderful production. Proceeds will go toward the Gallows Hill Community project. Fundraising is ongoing to complete a number of samples tests which are critical in nailing down the origins of Gallows Hill. One of these is the isotope test which will give us information on the origins of the human remains discovered on the hill.  Remember also, get your tickets early, they are available at the Museum on Friary Street Dungarvan and at Joe Kelly’s Pharmacy on the Causeway in Abbeyside.

Stories from old newspapers

Waterford Mail 14 May 1836
Letter to the editor from James Cremin, Dungarvan, 12 May 1836.
Sir, some days since I went, accompanied by a bailiff, to distrain for an arrear of rent amounting to £13.7.2., due out of a house in New Lane, Dungarvan – the occupant of which having got intimation of my intention, removed every article of value except some ducks, geese, a cock, and two hens, which I seized and left in the custody of the bailiff, and went for assistance to remove them. During my absence the bailiff…seized a cat, which he put in a basket along with the fowl; this caused a great deal of noise. By this time a large mob had collected, in which the women and children were not the least prominent, and succeeded in rescuing the ducks, geese, and hens, abusing not only myself in the grossest manner, but also the mother of my children and followed me to the pound in the same manner, where I placed the cock in order to set an example and carry the law into effect. I also sold it in due time, when it brought 4d, and not 3½ as you have it.

‘The Power’s’ - New Zealand film Company to Visit Dungarvan

‘The Power’s’  - New Zealand film Company to Visit Dungarvan

Are you a POWER? If so prepare to meet what might be distant cousins on, Wednesday 15th of January. Waterford County Museum Dungarvan has been contacted by a branch of the Power family in New Zealand who are keen to meet any Powers on the night. Robbie Neha is the gentleman that has made contact with us. He will outline the history of their particular branch of the family in Hamilton New Zealand.
Robbie gives us the following information; I am a Television Producer/Director and I am currently researching for a historic Documentary on my Great, Great Grandfather Thomas Power who we understand came from County Waterford, Ireland. I will be visiting County Waterford from the 13th to the 17th of January, 2020. We will be bringing a delegation of 6 people which will include my 82 year old Aunty Miria Tauariki and my 64 year old Uncle Thomas Roa [both of whom have been desperate to visit your County - the origin of their mutual Great Grandfather all their lives].
Our group will also include a Camera Crew of three people - Murray Maunder, Corey Wilson and our Researcher Willie-John Newton where we hope to document and record our trip to County Waterford to trace the origins of our Ancestor Thomas Power and film places of interest in regards to the Power family. On arrival in County Waterford, it would be our honour to provide a public presentation on our findings to date on Thomas Power, his storied life in New Zealand, our relationship to him and we will explain our Documentary's intentions and findings thus far.   If you have any people of interest you think I should be in touch with, particularly a Power Family Historian or relation.’ Robbie’s genealogical details are brief and on the night much more will be revealed. Part of his line which he gave us runs like this: Rahapa Te Hauata - Thomas Power - Kahutoi Power [nee Kaukau]   Tanirau Paiaka .
Much more will be revealed on the night; this presentation will take place on Wednesday 15th January at 7.30 pm. At the Dungarvan Sailing Club. Robbie will make a presentation and outline the history of his Thomas Power. There is no admission charge to this. Families wishing to attend might contact us, as soon as possible 058 45960, or email us

Stories from Old Newspapers

Londonderry Sentinel 3 May 1921

Five Soldiers and Priest Wounded

A Waterford telegram says – A report has reached here that the midday train from Waterford to Dungarvan was fired on on Saturday, and that two soldiers were wounded.  On the train reaching Dungarvan exhaustive searches were made by the military.  Later on, an aeroplane hovered over the district where the firing took place.  The six o’clock evening train from Dungarvan to Waterford was also fired at about six miles outside Dungarvan and three soldiers belonging to the Devons were wounded.  An aeroplane escorted the train.

A strong force of military left Dungarvan for the scene of the attack.  They came in touch with the ambushers, and a hot engagement took place, lasting nearly an hour.  It is difficult to get details, but it is said some of the Republicans were wounded.  The roads in the vicinity are trenched. The military returned to barrack close to midnight…amongst the passengers were – Rev. Mr. Carroll C.C., Ballybricken and Brother Raymond, Dominican Church, Waterford.  The former received a slight splinter in the face.

Photo of the Week

Can you identify anyone in this photo taken at the County Council Offices, Dungarvan c1955.  If so, please let us know.  This photograph is one of many available to view online on

Wednesday 5th February 2020 - Sheare Street Social Club


Waterford County Museum Dungarvan is delighted with this once off  staging of Abbeyside man, Jim Cullinan’s play ‘The Sheare Street Social Club'.  Many Abbeyside people will have memories of the Club which was situated at Sheare Street, Abbeyside.  Nothing now stands on that site.  Jim gave us the wonderful book, ‘Arses and Elbows,’ which detailed his very ‘colourful’ life growing up in Abbeyside.  It was a no ‘holds barred’ honest book which was widely acclaimed. James G. Cullinane, to give him his proper title, was born in Abbeyside in 1941, the 7th of eight children.  His short stories have been published in the New Orleans Review, Toronto Irish News and Inkwell.  His play ‘A Love so Blind' was actually staged here in Dungarvan, and at the Irish Arts Centre in New York.  He received a B.A. from the Empire State College and a Master of Arts in creative writing from Manhattanville College.  He now resides in Mount Kisco, New York with his wife, Abbeyside lady, Anne (nee Tyrrell.)  Jim has a number of plays to his credit and this present one has been performed in New York.  Jim takes great interest in his home town and was particularly taken with the Museum’s community excavation at Gallows Hill and offered his play to Eddie Cantwell as a fund raiser for the ongoing research there.  Eddie approached Deirdre Collender and asked her if she would produce the play.  She didn’t have to be asked twice! 

Eddie next called on John Foley who has captured the investigations at Gallows Hill on film from day one.  The intention here was to film the entire play in the back room in Alice O’Connor’s old bar at Sexton Street, Abbeyside, but after an initial visit to the premises both John and Deirdre decided that this would technically cost far too much to produce.  In order not to  disappoint Eddie, Deirdre did decide to film a section of the play, ‘An American Wake’ in the premises.  A further ‘Letter from America’ was filmed at Merry’s upper rooms.  We are very grateful to Merrys and Brian O’Connor for allowing us access to their premises.

And so, for One Night Only, ‘The Sheare Street Social Club’, a Dramatised Read of the Play, in costume, with audio visual enhancements, directed by Deirdre Collender  with cinematography by John Foley and original music by Donal Power will take place on February 5th at 8 p. m. in Dungarvan Town Hall Theatre. This folks will be a magical night with a new dramatic concept, and it certainly is not to be missed.  Tickets at €10 are now available in the Museum on Friary Street Dungarvan and in Kellys Pharmacy, The Causeway, Dungarvan.  Be warned - get your tickets NOW before they are sold out.  Proceeds from the event will go to the Gallows Hill Community Archaeology project.

Venue:        Dungarvan Town Hall Theatre, St Augustine Street, Dungarvan

Date:          Wednesday 5th February 2020

Time:          8 p. m.

Admission:   €10