Stories from Old Newspapers

Londonderry Sentinel 3 May 1921

Five Soldiers and Priest Wounded

A Waterford telegram says – A report has reached here that the midday train from Waterford to Dungarvan was fired on on Saturday, and that two soldiers were wounded.  On the train reaching Dungarvan exhaustive searches were made by the military.  Later on, an aeroplane hovered over the district where the firing took place.  The six o’clock evening train from Dungarvan to Waterford was also fired at about six miles outside Dungarvan and three soldiers belonging to the Devons were wounded.  An aeroplane escorted the train.

A strong force of military left Dungarvan for the scene of the attack.  They came in touch with the ambushers, and a hot engagement took place, lasting nearly an hour.  It is difficult to get details, but it is said some of the Republicans were wounded.  The roads in the vicinity are trenched. The military returned to barrack close to midnight…amongst the passengers were – Rev. Mr. Carroll C.C., Ballybricken and Brother Raymond, Dominican Church, Waterford.  The former received a slight splinter in the face.