The Sheare Street Social Club.

The Sheare Street Social club is named after a small Clubhouse which local people in Abbeyside built. It is here in the 50s that the local men-folk met up, played cards, rings, dart’s, and pool. Jim Cullinane set his play here. It could be any small clubhouse in Ireland. Jim tells us that;   ‘There is an air of decline, a scent of death almost, amid all the repartee, wisecracks and talk. It’s as if they know this environment is in decline – of male only social club habitués – and soon cracks appear. They begin to question their existence, how they’ll be remembered, their dreams abandoned, and their potential unrealized. But in the end they decide to try – to do better, realize dreams, make a difference.’  This is a thought provoking play, and will give people a true taste of life in the 50s. It is a time when only the business and ‘professional’ people had a phone in their homes. An outside toilet was a luxury, families sat around the radio to listen to the hurling and football commentary. Well, those that had a radio, that is!  There was no TV. Work was scarce and emigration was an option for many. Much of Jim Cullinan’s work has its roots in Abbeyside. Born and reared around the corner form Sheare Street , his growing up there is inherent  in his memories. His great love for Dungarvan and Abbeyside is clearly evident in all his work. Having said that, Jim’s play could be cast in any Village in Ireland of the 50s. Critics have said of his play; ‘Funny, irreverent and profound.’   The Sheare Street Social Club takes place on Wednesday February 5th at 8 pm, in the Town Hall theatre Dungarvan. It is directed by Deirdre Collinder, Cinematography is by John Foley, and new music and songs have been composed by Abbeyside’s Donal Power. It stars  Rian Ó’ Donoghue, Aaron Cowming Pat Power, Michael Drummy, Ollie Kiely, Raymond Tobin Walsh, Mark O’Rourke, and Michael O’ Mahoney.   This is a night not to be missed. Remember, it is for one night only, refreshment will also be served. Waterford County Museum Dungarvan would like to thanks all those wonderful people who have given their time freely to stage this wonderful production. Proceeds will go toward the Gallows Hill Community project. Fundraising is ongoing to complete a number of samples tests which are critical in nailing down the origins of Gallows Hill. One of these is the isotope test which will give us information on the origins of the human remains discovered on the hill.  Remember also, get your tickets early, they are available at the Museum on Friary Street Dungarvan and at Joe Kelly’s Pharmacy on the Causeway in Abbeyside.