Visit of Anne Farrelly, Secretary of the Friends of the National Collections

The secretary of the Friends of the National Collections, Anne Farrelly, along with Adrian Farrelly visited the Museum on 29th August 2016.

They viewed the portrait of Claude Chavasse which has been given on long term loan by the Friends of the National Collections, for which we are grateful.

This is the second painting given by the Friends, the other being the landscape by Sarah Purser.
William Fraher, Waterford County Museum, with Anne and Adrian Farrelly.

'The Way it Was' An Exhibition of Old Photographs of the Copper Coast September 2016

A unique exhibition of old photographs of the Copper Coast from John Joe Cleary and Waterford County Museum 'The Way it Was', will take place in the Copper Coast Geopark Visitor Centre during the month of September.

This visual record has been drawn together from a collection of photographs taken by John Joe Cleary, Bunmahon, and his family.  Bridge O'Sullivan, staff member at Waterford County Museum, selected a group of images from the Museum's archive and these are on show with images supplied by John Joe Cleary.

The images provide a fascinating record of the daily lives of the people of the Copper Coast, and rural life in Ireland from the 1890's onwards.

Julian Walton will officially open the exhibition in the Copper Coast Geopark Visitor Centre at 3pm on Saturday 3rd September.  Refreshments will be served and all are welcome.

Death of Museum Society Member Mr. Harry Courcha August 2016

We were saddened to hear of the death of Museum Society Member Mr. Harry Courcha.

Harry was a native of England and settled in Old Parish.  He had a great interest in history and in particular Dungarvan and West Waterford.

Object of the Week - Purple Heart

John F. Mansfield (1906-1965) was born at Ballinroad, Old Parish, Co. Waterford on 6th February 1906 to James and Bridget Mansfield (nee Power).

John emigrated to America in 1924. Just before the Second World War he enlisted in the American army and served with the 4th Armoured Division - Third Army, from its founding in April 1942 until he ended up in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia in May 1945.

This Division was the spearhead attack from Normandy right into Germany and was known as ‘Paton’s Pride & Joy’, having had the most days in combat of any unit of the Third Army. John was wounded twice and decorated on several occasions.

He received an honourable discharge on 19th October 1945 and he settled in New York where he died on 1st July 1965.

Awards Received:

Purple Heart with cluster after being wounded at Normandy and Metz.

Bronze Star for valour at the Battle of the Bulge.

European-African Middle Eastern Campaign Ribbon.

Occupation of Germany Medal.

American Defence Medal.

Good Conduct Medal.

Ogham Workshop for Heritage Week Took Place 25th August 2016

The Ogham Workshop given by Dr. Nora White in the museum last week was a great success.

Many children and adults attended the event.

Nora gave a short powerpoint presentation about ogham stones in Co. Waterford which can be found at Knockboy, Dromlohan and Ardmore.

After the talk the children participated in the workshop, colouring and inscribing their name in Ogham.

At the conclusion all the children were given goody bags to take away.

(Photos to follow)

New Book with Cappagh Links

Hetty Staples (neé Ussher) has just published a booklet of her short stories and about her early life at Cappagh House where she grew up.  She turned 90 this year.

Hetty, or Henrietta, is the daughter of the noted writer and philosopher Arland Ussher (1899-1980).

Arland learned Irish in Ring and published two volumes of stories in Irish collected from Pat Murray, the ploughman at Cappagh: Caint an tSean-Shaoghail (1942) and Cursaí an tSean-Shaoghail (1948).

Ms. Staples has forwarded a copy of her book for the museum archive.

Talk, "A Tale of Two Towns", 25th August 2016.

John Martin will explore the historic development of Dungarvan and Youghal in "A Tale of Two Towns" in Dungarvan Town Hall Theatre, on Thursday 25th August 2016 at 7.30pm.

In what promises to be a very interesting talk, John will discuss the towns' Viking and Norman origins, both were (and are) ports, and both were Devonshire Estate towns.

John is currently researching the Dungarvan Historic Town Atlas for the Royal Irish Academy, due for publication by 2018.

Venue: Dungarvan Town Hall Theatre

Date:    Thursday 25th August 2016

Time:   7.30pm

Sat 13th August 2016 Free Children's Art Event At Gallow's Hill

Gallow's Hill Arts & Craft Morning For Children

Help us prepare for Heritage Week 2016 at Gallow's Hill Medieval Fort, Dungarvan on Saturday 13th August, 9.30am - 12pm. 
Children of all ages are welcome to take part.

Local artists will work with children to create a historic chalk mural of Dungarvan’s epic Viking/Norman battle in 1174 and lots more arts and crafts.
Dungarvan’s men’s shed will unveil a full size medieval stock they have been very busy creating in time for Heritage week. 
Demonstration in the use of aerial kite photography for surveying archaeological sites.

More info: 058 45960 or

Gallowshill Mediaeval Fair will take place Sunday 28th August 12pm - 4pm. The results of the final 2016 archaeological surveys will be revealed on site at 3pm.  This year’s surveys have been funded by The Heritage Council of Ireland.

The Mayor to Launch a New Exhibition on the Women of 1916

The Mayor of Waterford, Cllr. Adam Wyse will launch Mná 1916-Women 1916, a special touring exhibition featuring previously unseen material from private and public collections, at 11am on Saturday August 20th in Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford City.  Also speaking on the morning is author and historian Sinéad McCoole who curated the exhibition.

Mná 1916-Women 1916 is an initiative of the Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme.  The exhibition brings together previously unseen material documenting the 300 women involved in the Rising.  It is on a nationwide tour following a three week run at Dublin Castle.

As well as the familiar faces of those involved in the events of 1916, Mná 1916 brings many new stories to light in a unique and powerful way.  While there is a focus on women who took part in the Rising, the exhibition also seeks to give a fuller understanding of the complex history of Ireland at that time.

Waterford City & County Librarian Jane Cantwell, who is coordinating the Waterford Ireland 2016 Programme, said that the Library service is delighted to welcome Sinéad McCoole to speak at the Waterford launch:

"Sinéad and her team have created an important exhibition telling the fascinating stories of 300 women who played a part in 1916.  On behalf of the Waterford 1916 Commemoration Committee, we are delighted to host this exhibition in Waterford during this centenary year.  Visitors to the exhibition can explore this remarkable variety of previously unseen items, from personal objects, images and documentation, to newly digitized birth, death, marriage and census records.  This exhibition is a very welcome part of our programme of events commemorating 1916 throughout Waterford City and County."

Exhibition curator Sinéad McCoole, who is looking forward to visiting Waterford explains:

"'State assets' and 'national treasures' are often terms used about items of great value, big houses with demesne and gold objects - this centenary year in this exhibition we have been able to use assets and treasures of a different sort dating to 1916 from the national collections, from libraries, archives, museums all over the country.  The assistance of curators, archivists, historians and local studies librarians has made this exhibition possible.  Online resources and digitizing of documents and images meant that this would not have been possible a decade ago."

All are welcome to attend.  The exhibition runs until Saturday September 10th 2016, during normal library opening hours, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am-5.30pm, Wednesday 10am-8pm and Saturday 10am-1pm and 2pm -5.30pm.

Venue: Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford City.

Date:   Saturday August 20th 2016

Time:  11am  

Recent Visitors to Waterford County Museum

John Harty and Katherine Harty from Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, recently visited the museum.

John is the great grandson of Major William Egan, Royal Army Medical Corps, (born 1881, Dungarvan, died 1929, Jamaica).

The Egan family photos can be viewed on the Waterford County Museum image archive.

John Harty & Katherine Harty of Nenagh, with Willie Fraher of Waterford County Museum, August 9th 2016.

Annual Book Sale

A big thank you to all those who supported our annual fund-raising book sale 28th July to 30th July 2016.  It was a great success with many bargains to be had.

Special thanks to Dan McCarthy for allowing the use of his premises, to Sean Organ of WLR, to all who donated books, to the sorters, volunteers, and all those who purchased books.

Casement Letters on Display in Museum

Last Wednesday 3rd August 2016 there was a state ceremony at Glasnevin Cemetery to mark the centenary of Roger Casement's death and honour his humanitarian work.

We have just added two letters written by Casement to our 1916 exhibition.  One of these is dated 1907 and has the stamp of the Consulate of Great Britain and Ireland at Santos, Brazil.

The letter was written to Dr. Richard Henebery and Casement writes that:

"I am out in Brazil at my old work again after having given it up for two years, but I don't think I shall stay long at it."

Casement was posted to Brazil in 1906 by the British Foreign Office.  In 1909 he was asked to compile a report on the treatment of employees working for the Peruvian Amazon Rubber Company.

The other letter on display is signed off with Casement's signature in Irish and English.

Also on display is a bullet from the Aud.

Venue:  Waterford County Museum, Friary Street, Dungarvan.

Date:     Monday to Friday.

Time:    9am to 5pm