'The Way it Was' An Exhibition of Old Photographs of the Copper Coast September 2016

A unique exhibition of old photographs of the Copper Coast from John Joe Cleary and Waterford County Museum 'The Way it Was', will take place in the Copper Coast Geopark Visitor Centre during the month of September.

This visual record has been drawn together from a collection of photographs taken by John Joe Cleary, Bunmahon, and his family.  Bridge O'Sullivan, staff member at Waterford County Museum, selected a group of images from the Museum's archive and these are on show with images supplied by John Joe Cleary.

The images provide a fascinating record of the daily lives of the people of the Copper Coast, and rural life in Ireland from the 1890's onwards.

Julian Walton will officially open the exhibition in the Copper Coast Geopark Visitor Centre at 3pm on Saturday 3rd September.  Refreshments will be served and all are welcome.