Casement Letters on Display in Museum

Last Wednesday 3rd August 2016 there was a state ceremony at Glasnevin Cemetery to mark the centenary of Roger Casement's death and honour his humanitarian work.

We have just added two letters written by Casement to our 1916 exhibition.  One of these is dated 1907 and has the stamp of the Consulate of Great Britain and Ireland at Santos, Brazil.

The letter was written to Dr. Richard Henebery and Casement writes that:

"I am out in Brazil at my old work again after having given it up for two years, but I don't think I shall stay long at it."

Casement was posted to Brazil in 1906 by the British Foreign Office.  In 1909 he was asked to compile a report on the treatment of employees working for the Peruvian Amazon Rubber Company.

The other letter on display is signed off with Casement's signature in Irish and English.

Also on display is a bullet from the Aud.

Venue:  Waterford County Museum, Friary Street, Dungarvan.

Date:     Monday to Friday.

Time:    9am to 5pm