Marble and Stone Memorials - Williams Memorial, St. Mary's Parish Church

This impressive Celtic cross in limestone commemorates the Williams family of Dungarvan.

The main inscription reads:

In loving memory of

Thomas O’Brien Williams and his wife Mary Anne Williams

And their children:

Thomas Francis, David Leopold M.D., William Joseph, Charles Albert Solr., Michael Paul M.D., Mary Elizabeth, Edward Patrick M.D., John William M.D., Josephine Aloysius, Gerald St. George.

Thomas O’Brien Williams was a Town Commissioner and in July 1885 he was elected Chairman.  The following year he is listed as Vice Chair of the board of Dungarvan Union.  He once owned the oldest map of Dungarvan dated 1760, which is now on display in the museum.  He died on 17 July 1901 aged 80.