Water Damage to Museum Exhibitions

Last Friday morning our worst nightmare came true when museum staff arrived to discover that the upstairs bathroom had overflowed sending large volumes of water crashing through the ceiling onto museum exhibits beneath.

This area has only been completed a few weeks ago and also contained the archaeology section of our new Brenan exhibition, so it was a heartbreaking sight to behold.

The walls contained some of our most important drawings and paintings by artists such as Sarah Purser, Power O’Malley, Maud Power and rare 19th century sketches and watercolours of Dungarvan.  Part of our new Brenan exhibition was beneath the deluge containing valuable archaeological sketches, letters and pamphlets.

The curator and museum staff took immediate action to move display cases and remove the pictures from the walls while the water was still pouring down.  The museum committee cannot thank the staff enough for their tremendous efforts working in such an awful mess of water and debris.

Thanks to Paulus, Miriam, Tony, Danny, Patricia and Barry.  A big thank you to Joanne Rothwell, Waterford City & County Archivist who came to our rescue and offered advice and practical assistance.  Our thanks to museum committee members Paul McLoughlin and Chrissy Knight O’Connor who helped with the clean up.  Thanks also to Tara McAndrew CE Supervisor, Conor Nolan, Waterford City Arts Officer, Gabriel Foley and the council staff.

The museum will back open this week and we hope to have our precious documents and pictures back on display in the not too distant future.