'A Tale of Two Castles' Gallows Hill Walk and Talk July 29th 2018

We had a nice turnout for our castle to castle, walk and talk, which took place last Sunday morning.  The main speakers were Chrissy Knight-O'Connor, William Fraher, and Dave Pollock, with some additional information contributed by Eddie Cantwell.  

Chrissy took those attending the walk and talk through the history of Gallows Hill and updated them on the archaeological work that was carried out at the mound.  

William Fraher spoke on the history of the town from Shandon Street to the corner of Friary Street and archaeologist Dave Pollock took over the proceedings from there to the castle.  

Our thanks to the speakers and those who attended on the day.

Object of the Week - 17th Century Hand Coloured Map of Provincia Momoniae, the Province of Munster

This map was printed in 1646 and was compiled by noted mapmaker Joannes Jansson (1588-1664) who was from Arnhem in the Netherlands.  

It is interesting to note that it marks the famous 'Speaking Stone' Cloch Labhrais, which is beside the River Tay near Stradbally.  It was believed to possess magical powers as it could tell whether a person was lying or not.  

The map has been generously donated to the museum by historian Julian Walton.

Object of the Week - Down Survey Map of County Waterford 1685

The museum was delighted to receive a donation of this Down Survey Map for County Waterford from historian Julian Walton.  It will be on show soon in our newly arranged displays.

In August 1649 Oliver Cromwell’s New Model Army travelled to Ireland to reoccupy the country following the Irish Rebellion of 1641.  This army was raised and supported by money advanced by private individuals, subscribed on the security of 2,500,000 acres of Irish land to be confiscated at the close of the rebellion.  The 1642 Adventurer’s Act stated that the Parliament's creditors could reclaim their debts by receiving confiscated land in Ireland.

The Act for the Settlement of Ireland provided for the confiscation and redistribution of the lands of the defeated Irish, mostly Confederate Catholics, who had opposed Cromwell and supported the Royalists.  Parliamentarian soldiers who served in Ireland were entitled to confiscated land in lieu of their wages, which the Parliament was unable to pay in full.  Lands were also to be provided to settlers from England and America.  The dispossessed landholders were to be transported to Connacht and to other countries.

William Petty, then physician general to the Irish armies, offered to undertake a new survey which would be completed within thirteen months.  The Government signed a contract with Petty on the 24th of December 1654.  The maps are known as the ‘Down Survey’ because the information was mapped down.

Trinity College Dublin has digitised the maps and they can be viewed at http://downsurvey.tcd.ie/index.html

Gallows Hill Dig Donation

Michael Dunford, Al Eile Stud presenting the cheque on behalf of Michael Ryan to Eddie Cantwell.  Also present Waterford County Museum committee members Chrissy Knight-O'Connor and Sarah Lucas.

A great big thank you to Mr Michael Ryan, Al Eile Stud, Kilgobnet, who kindly gave us a very generous donation towards our Gallows Hill Dig.  This donation has insured that we can press ahead with the second archaeological dig at the mound. 

The week long dig, which again is a community effort, begins on the 17th of August 2018 and is led by archaeologist Dave Pollock.

Object of the Week - The Literary Digest March 29th 1930

This magazine published in New York has a cover with a reproduction of a painting by Dungarvan born artist Power O'Malley titled: 'The Hill of Muckish'.  

Michael Augustine Power O'Malley was born in Mary Street, Dungarvan on the 19th of January 1877.  His parents were Michael Power and Bridget Hannigan.  When his father died his mother married Dennis O'Malley and the artist combined the two surnames and signed all his work Power O'Malley.  

He settled in New York where he acquired work as a magazine illustrator.  He returned to Ireland regularly and painted landscapes and people mainly in the West of Ireland.  He had a retrospective show in Waterford City in 1939.  He died in New York on the 3rd of July 1946 aged 68.

Waterford County Museum has examples of his work such as this magazine cover.

American Visitors at Waterford County Museum July 6th 2018

Sometime back Lynette Stonefeld from the USA contacted Eddie Cantwell.  She had received a series of articles which were written by Eddie about her grandfather Paddy Curran from Glenmore who had carried out a rescue mission at the then ‘County Home’ St. Joseph’s Hospital in Dungarvan in 1922 during which time the hospital was occupied by Free State troops.

Republican Bill Lennon who had been shot at Grange had received surgery and was hospitalised at St. Joseph’s Hospital.  During this time Lennon was also awaiting execution.  Paddy Curran and his company decided to carry out a daring rescue and took the wounded Lennon from the hospital.  Paddy then had to flee the country and go to America.

Among the group that came from the States were grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews from both the USA and Ireland.  The group were entertained by Eddie Cantwell and Nioclás Ó'Griofáin.  Eddie then took the group to St. Joseph's Hospital and recounted the story of the amazing rescue to the extended family.

Eddie Cantwell and Nioclás Ó'Griofáin speaking with the American visitors.

Object of the Week - The Cruise of the Erin's Hope or Gun-Running in '67 by M J O'Mullane, Catholic Truth Society (no date)

This booklet details of the voyage of the Erin's Hope to Ireland in 1867 with a hidden consignment of arms and ammunition for the Fenians.  The two masted square-rigged Brigantine was called the Jacknell and sailed from New York on 13 April 1867.  The ship's captain was Joseph Kavanagh of Passage East.  

On the journey the name was changed to the Erin's Hope.  The ship's manifest listed a cargo of pianos, sewing machines and barrels of wine, but concealed with these were guns and ammunition.  The ship was due to land in Co Mayo but was unable to and proceeded along the south coast eventually setting anchor off Helvick.  A local fishing boat 'The Finin' brought most of the crew ashore but they were arrested soon after and sent for trial.  

In 1957 a commemorative obelisk was unveiled at Helvick by Cathleen Clarke, widow of 1916 leader Tom Clarke, to mark the event.  The monument was recently restored by the local community.