Object of the Week - The Cruise of the Erin's Hope or Gun-Running in '67 by M J O'Mullane, Catholic Truth Society (no date)

This booklet details of the voyage of the Erin's Hope to Ireland in 1867 with a hidden consignment of arms and ammunition for the Fenians.  The two masted square-rigged Brigantine was called the Jacknell and sailed from New York on 13 April 1867.  The ship's captain was Joseph Kavanagh of Passage East.  

On the journey the name was changed to the Erin's Hope.  The ship's manifest listed a cargo of pianos, sewing machines and barrels of wine, but concealed with these were guns and ammunition.  The ship was due to land in Co Mayo but was unable to and proceeded along the south coast eventually setting anchor off Helvick.  A local fishing boat 'The Finin' brought most of the crew ashore but they were arrested soon after and sent for trial.  

In 1957 a commemorative obelisk was unveiled at Helvick by Cathleen Clarke, widow of 1916 leader Tom Clarke, to mark the event.  The monument was recently restored by the local community.