Object of the Week - Edmond Keohan's Camera

Edmond Keohan is one of the best known of the old Dungarvan Photographers.  He was from Tramore.  The first mention of him in Dungarvan appears in Slater's Directory of 1879 where he is listed as a confectioner of Main Street.

According to an advert in his 'History of Dungarvan' the business was established in 1875 at 17 Main Street. He probably started doing photography in the 1880's as a part time activity.  He advertised his photographic studio 'now open' in the Munster Express on 1st February 1896. His main business at the end of the 19th century consisted of a news agency, stationers and auctioneers. Much of his work was in portraiture but in his spare time he photographed Dungarvan's streets and buildings and set off on his bike to photograph the surrounding countryside.  He also did documentary work recording events as they happened.

He published a number of books including an album of views of Dungarvan and district, a booklet on Abbeyside Castle 'Abbeyside Castle (Historical & Descriptive Sketch)' 1916, printed by the Waterford News.

He had a great interest in local history and wrote the first history of Dungarvan in 1924: 'Illustrated History of Dungarvan', Waterford News, 1924.  An original first copy of the book is on display in the museum at present. It has much useful information especially on the 'Troubles' and many interesting photos.  He also produced a number of postcards of local views and events.

Wednesday 23rd November 2016 - Illustrated Lecture St. James's Church Stradbally and its Environs, with Cian Flaherty

We are delighted that Cian Flaherty has agreed to visit us and speak on the medieval parish church of Stradbally.  This will be the third lecture in our winter season.

Visitors to Stradbally cannot but be impressed with the 'post-card' little village, and indeed the unique St. James's Church which certainly holds some fascination for the visitor.

At the core of Cian's talk will be a discussion of the medieval parish of Stradbally; the present Church of Ireland church and the graveyard which surrounds both. There will be some intriguing stories, including the life and death of the 'White Vicar', as well as the fascinating link between the Ark of the Covenant and a former rector of Stradbally.

Cian Flaherty is from Stradbally and is a third year student at Trinity College Dublin.  His research focuses on the history and culture of mid Waterford.  He is currently writing a book on the Church of Ireland Parish Stradbally.

This talk will be delivered with Cian's great passion, enthusiasm, and humour.  You will be carried along on a journey of historical discovery with this most entertaining young Stradbally gentleman.

Not to be missed!  All are very welcome.

Venue:          Green Room, Town Hall Theatre, Friary Street, Dungarvan

Date:             Wednesday 23rd November 2016

Time:            8pm

Admission:  €5

Object of the Week - War of Independence Officer's Jacket

This War of Independence Officer's Jacket was worn by James Mansfield, Crobally, Old Parish. It carries the label of Dan Fraher Draper, Grattan Square, Dungarvan.

James was the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion Decies Brigade of the I.R.A. during the War of Independence and the Civil War.  He escaped to Canada after the ceasefire.

A detailed account of the Irish War of Independence from a local point of view including information about James, and one of his brothers, Michael, can be found on the Museum website www.waterfordmuseum.ie which includes the following incident:  For several months previous to January 1920, Captain King, who was the Police Inspector in Dungarvan, had been making a nuisance of himself.  He drove out to the Mansfield home and threatened to shoot Hannah Mansfield unless she informed on her sons.  A group of Dungarvan Volunteers took the Captain's car which was in a garage over half a mile from his house.  They then pushed it through the town to his front door where they drenched it with petrol and set it on fire.  Shortly afterwards the Captain was transferred to Mallow at his own request.  This little operation was carried out by Pax Whelan, Joe Wyse, George Lennon, Pat Lynch and Pat Power.  The fact that a group of Volunteers could destroy a policeman's car by fire in broad daylight in the centre of Dungarvan shows the power of the West Waterford Brigade at that time.

Illustrated Talk 'Diving the South East Shipwrecks' with Eoin McGarry

Our second lecture of the winter season 'Diving the South East Shipwrecks' with Eoin McGarry which was held in the Green Room of the Town Hall Theatre on Wednesday 19th October 2016 was a huge success and was very well attended.

Our thanks to Eoin for a very interesting and enjoyable talk. Our apologies to those who couldn't get a seat and had to stand outside the room.

Object of the Week - Cumann LĂșth Chleas Ghael Medal

The Cumann LĂșth Chleas Ghael hurling medal was awarded to Mick Foley in 1906.

Mick's father John was a native of Ballynageeragh, Dunhill, Co. Waterford.  The Foley family were originally from Ardmore.  John was a journeyman stonemason and he travelled around the countryside building cow byres and stables.  While carrying out work at Cunningham's farm at Boulatin he fell in love with the daughter of the house, Mary.

In 1876 they married in Kilrossanty. They lived on a farm at Killoteran, Butlerstown, by the River Suir. John used to obtain branches from ash trees at Mount Congreve Estate to make hurleys for his sons.

They became enthusiastic supporters of the Gaelic Athletic Association when it was founded in 1884.

John started a hurling team in Butlerstown, but this had to be disbanded because the authorities feared it was a meeting place for fenianism.

One of his sons, Mick, was an apprentice carpenter to his cousin, John Costin, in Waterford - 'In the evening when finished work he would hear 'the clash of the ash' across the River Suir at Luffany, Mooncoin, Co. Kilkenny.  With his desire to play hurling Mick slipped into Mount Congreve Wood and spoke shaved a hurley.  With the hurley strapped to his back and a pair of plimsolls on his feet he swam across the River Suir to participate in the hurling game and had to swim back to the Waterford side in the dark of the night.'

In 1915 Mick Foley married Mary O'Brien of Lisnakill, Butlerstown, and they purchased a farm at Knockrower, Stradbally.  They tried to start a hurling team in Stradbally but Gaelic football was the preferred game in the area.

Thursday 27th October 2016 - Waterford County Museum A.G.M.

The Waterford County Museum A.G.M. will be on Thursday 27th October 2016 at 8pm at the Museum in Friary Street, Dungarvan.

All are welcome.

We hope to see as many of the Museum Society members as possible, as we value your input and ideas.

Historic Plaques in Grattan Square, Dungarvan

The first of the historic plaques have been installed in Grattan Square, Dungarvan.

These will illustrate people and events relating to Dungarvan from throughout the ages.

Object of the Week - Magic Lantern from the Presentation Convent, Dungarvan

The magic lantern was first invented in the 17th century.  A wooden frame housed a concave mirror in the back of a light source to direct as much light as possible through a small rectangular sheet of glass - a 'lantern slide' - which had an image painted on it, the image was projected onto a lens at the front.

After 1839 photographic images were projected with magic lanterns. An Argand lamp was used to light the image from the late 18th century. The invention of limelight in the 1820's resulted in a brighter image. The invention of the electric arc lamp in the 1860's was a safer method of lighting the lantern.

The popularity of magic lanterns declined after the introduction of moving picture film in the 1890's but they were widely used in education until slide projectors became common in the 1950's.