Wednesday 23rd November 2016 - Illustrated Lecture St. James's Church Stradbally and its Environs, with Cian Flaherty

We are delighted that Cian Flaherty has agreed to visit us and speak on the medieval parish church of Stradbally.  This will be the third lecture in our winter season.

Visitors to Stradbally cannot but be impressed with the 'post-card' little village, and indeed the unique St. James's Church which certainly holds some fascination for the visitor.

At the core of Cian's talk will be a discussion of the medieval parish of Stradbally; the present Church of Ireland church and the graveyard which surrounds both. There will be some intriguing stories, including the life and death of the 'White Vicar', as well as the fascinating link between the Ark of the Covenant and a former rector of Stradbally.

Cian Flaherty is from Stradbally and is a third year student at Trinity College Dublin.  His research focuses on the history and culture of mid Waterford.  He is currently writing a book on the Church of Ireland Parish Stradbally.

This talk will be delivered with Cian's great passion, enthusiasm, and humour.  You will be carried along on a journey of historical discovery with this most entertaining young Stradbally gentleman.

Not to be missed!  All are very welcome.

Venue:          Green Room, Town Hall Theatre, Friary Street, Dungarvan

Date:             Wednesday 23rd November 2016

Time:            8pm

Admission:  €5