Some Old Dungarvan Families

An Aerial View of Ballinacourty House, which will be featured in the Talk
The next lecture in our series takes place on Wednesday February 15. This talk will be given by the museum curator William Fraher on the old families of Dungarvan.

William will give an illustrated talk on a selection of families associated with Dungarvan and district over the centuries. Some of the families featuring in the talk include McGuires of Clonea House, Moloney's and Currans - ship owners and merchants, Dower's. Gibbons, Anthony's of Dungarvan and Ring and Longan of Ballincourty.

This is the first time that such detailed research has been compiled on these families.  William has been collecting genealogical material over many years and is delighted to be able to make this initial presentation on his findings  This promises to be a fascinating evening.

The talk will take place in the Town Hall Theatre and entry is €5.  All are welcome to attend.