Visit To Cappagh House

On 12 August we had a very enjoyable visit to Cappagh House with 25 members of the Museum Society. We were fortunate that the weather stayed fine. The owners Charlie and Claire Chavasse gave us a warm welcome. Willie Fraher and Julian Walton gave us a brief account of the families associated with the estate – Fitzgeralds, Osbornes, and Usshers. Charlie Chavasse told us about his grandparents’ purchase of Cappagh in 1944 from Arland Ussher. After a tour of the house Charlie brought us on a fascinating tour of the grounds.  He pointed out Old Cappagh House, the lake, the castle ruin and the lovely old farm buildings. We concluded our visit with refreshments and home-made biscuits. All agreed it was one of the most enjoyable society trips of recent times.