Stories from Old Newspapers

 Southern Reporter & Cork Commercial Courier 30 September 1847

Famine Relief Project - New Cappoquin Bridge

‘On Saturday the 18th instant, the foundation stone of the bridge over the Blackwater was laid by Sir Richard Keane, Bart, D.L., in the presence of a large concourse of the inhabitants of Cappoquin and its vicinity. The worthy baronet was drawn by the workmen, in a triumphal car to the southern abutment, when he addressed the multitude assembled in a very appropriate speech, and after eulogising the conduct of the contractor( Hamilton White Esq)in giving so much employment in such a season of distress, proceeded to observe of all the bridges over the Blackwater from its source to the ocean, not one had a name, he, therefore, begged to call this structure ‘Victoria’ after her most gracious Majesty the Queen. This announcement was received with tremendous cheers by the multitude assembled. When the ceremony was completed three cheers were given for the Queen, Sir Richard Keane, H. White, Captain Hill (Mr. White’s partner) and Henry Owen, the County Surveyor.

In the evening Mr. White and Captain Hill entertained, at dinner, Sir Richard Keane, and a large party of friends; and the workmen were plentifully supplied with the good things of this life by Sir. R. Keane; tar barrels blazed, fiddles were tuned, and the fun kept up in a gallant style. Sir Richard Keane was presented with a handsome silver trowel and a maul made of bog yew which was found in the excavation’. 

The bridge of six arches of limestone ashlar, was designed by Henry H. Owen, County Surveyor, who was married to Maria O’Shaughnessy. In May 1847 their son was born in Dungarvan. The bridge was built under a Famine Relief Act and the Office of Public Works gave a grant of £4,000 towards its construction. It had replaced a wooden bridge built in the early 17th century by the Earl of Cork. In 1812 William Robertson did a design for a five arch bridge and in the early 1840s Sir Richard Keane proposed a stone bridge with seven 50-foot arches and a drawbridge, neither got beyond the drawing board.