Stories from old Newspapers

 Cork Examiner 1 October 1858

Cappoquin – New Organ

The opening of a magnificent organ, purchased from the firm of Messrs Hill & Sons, London, for the Catholic Church of this town, took place on last Sunday, the 26th inst.

It was a glorious day for Cappoquin and will long be remembered by the large and respectable congregation that filled every available part of the church…High Mass, which commenced at a quarter to twelve, was celebrated by the Rev. John Ryan, R.C.C., Waterford. After mass a most feeling and instructive discourse was delivered by the Rev. James O’Brien, All Hallow’s College.

Mr John Fleming, organist of St. Augustine’s Church, Cork, presided at the organ, and it is but justice to him to say, as a professional man, that he was ‘the right man in the right place’. The masterly manner in which he evoked the powers and resources of the noble instrument filled the vast congregation with feelings of admiration and delight. The music selected for the occasion was Mozart’s Mass No 12., which was indeed beautifully rendered in all its parts by a very efficient choir, brought down specially for the occasion by Mr Fleming, assisted by the very able and accomplished tenor, John Deenford, esq., Waterford, with whose sweet, powerful, and well-toned voice all were pleased and delighted.

The collection amounted to over £93, a large sum, no doubt, when taken into account that over £370 have been paid over the last two years towards repairs and improvements to the church. In the evening a large party of clergymen and laymen were entertained to dinner by the hospitable and zealous parish priest. 

St. Marys R.C. Church , Cappoquin, circa 1910