Tom Crean Talk

 Tom Crean Talk by Michael Smith.

We would like to thank most sincerely, the Management and staff at Merry’s award winning Gastro Pub for facilitating us for Michael Smith’s talk on Tom Crean, and indeed for being most helpful. The ‘serial biographer ‘updated the large attendance on how- since his first visit to Dungarvan in 2001-  His ‘Unsung hero’ has exploded in the world. Printed in several languages his No1 best seller continues to gather momentum over twenty years later. He was particularly excited that his book was now part of the school curriculum in Ireland and was quite chuffed that Tom Crean was printed in Irish. There was a healthy exchange during questions and answers after his talk which certainly extended the duration of the event. This was carried on in the bar after Michael’s talk and he was happily kept engaged up until closing time.