Stories from Old Newspapers

 Dungarvan Observer 16 May 1959

Dungarvan Hungarians Leave

Seen off at Dungarvan’s railway station on Wednesday by a group of their local friends were the members of Dungarvan’s only Hungarian family who have left the town. The members of the family were Mr & Mrs Lazlo Hudak, natives of Budapest and their five years old son Lazlo; with little one year old Lilian Dorian, who was born in Dungarvan and christened in the Parish Church, her sponsors being Mr Tom Dolan, O’Connell Street, and Mrs M Duggan, O’Connell Street.

Mr Hudak, who fled with his wife and family from Budapest, following Russian reprisals after the anti-communist regime rebellion four years ago, was employed as a confectioner at Mr Joseph Power’s Bakery, O’Connell Street. Both he and his wife had a fair working knowledge of the English language, and Lazlo junior who was a pupil at the local Convent of Mercy school, rapidly became quite fluent simultaneously in Hungarian, English, and Irish.

They left by liner, from Cobh for the United States of America where they will join Mr Hudak’s brother in New York City.