Stories from Old Newspapers


Cork Examiner 26 May 1848

Rejoicings in Cappoquin for the Liberation of Messrs Smith, O’Brien, and Meagher.

The announcement was received with raptures and electrifying enthusiasm. Groups congregated in the streets – people congratulating each other on the greatest victory ever yet achieved for the Repeal cause…All business was forgotten in excitement…The United Repealers…at once proceeded to the Repeal Committee-rooms, and a general illumination was instantly agreed on. Scarcely a house but was brilliantly lighted, and the windows, from base to attic, decorated with garlands and boughs. The United Repealers paraded the streets until a late hour, walking six deep, and preceded by the Cappoquin band, perhaps deservedly considered one of the best bands in the south of Ireland, and whose occasional performance on board the ‘Star’ steamer, is an additional inducement to fashionables from Youghal to view the beauties of the Blackwater scenery.

[Amongst] the blaze of tar barrels and the exhilarating and soul-stirring national airs played by the repea band. There were no shouts- no cheers- no outward manifestations of triumph…It was as if the hopes and aspirations that filled each bosom were too solemn and sacred for foolish and unmeaning noise. After parading the streets till a late hour, the Repealers adjourned to their reading-room, where the band played the ‘Memory of the Dead’…all [then] separated fully assured that it was truthfully ‘a great day for Ireland’.

Main Street Cappoquin