The Sheare Street Social Club. (Abbeyside)

 Last shout out for tickets now available at, Joe Kelly’s Pharmacy on the Causeway Abbeyside; David Walsh’s Office Supplies on Lower Main Street, SGC Cinema Dungarvan and at the Museum here on Friary Street Dungarvan the cost of the tickets are €10 each. Playwright Jim Cullinane will be over from The USA, to attend the ‘Stage to Screen’ showing, and will say a few words on the night. Critics have said of his play; ‘Funny, irreverent and profound.

It is directed by Deirdre Collinder, Cinematography is by John Foley, and new music and songs have been specially composed by Abbeyside’s Donal Power. It stars  Rian Ó’ Donoghue, Aaron Cowming Pat Power, Michael Drummy, Ollie Kiely, Raymond Tobin Walsh, Mark O’Rourke, and Michael O’ Mahoney.  This is a night not to be missed. It takes place on Thursday Night June 30th at 7pm.