Stories from Old Newspapers

 Cork Examiner 11 January 1868

Soiree in Cappoquin

On Twelfth Night a fashionable soiree was held in the Reading-rooms here. It was attended by most of the respectable inhabitants of this and the neighbouring towns, and patronized by the worthy pastor of the parish, the Rev. Michael Spratt, P.P., who is ever anxious and ready to forward any movement tending towards the advancement and reasonable enjoyment of his parishioners.

On this occasion he not only gave the use of the reading-rooms, but kindly and warmly announced the soiree and the object of it from the altar. It is to this mainly due, seconded by the earnest exertions of the gentlemen of the committee, that it has been so successful, leaving in the hands of the treasurer, Mr. J.E. Walsh, a handsome balance towards supplying the wants of our chapel. The extensive rooms were carefully festooned with evergreens, which were kindly given by Mrs. Chearnley, Salterbridge, to the members of the committee. When the company assembled, with the numerous lights and the soul-stirring music of the brass band, specially engaged for the occasion, it was indeed a festive scene. Dancing continued until one a.m., when a most recherché supper was laid, to which 130 guests were together seated. The caterer was Mr. M. Morrissey, Hotel, Cappoquin. To all who know him, it is enough to say, that everything was in his best style. All the mysteries of the cuisine were exhausted, and nothing was wanting that could add to the appearance of the board or the wishes of the most fastidious epicure. When the supper, dessert and wines, were fully discussed, the band again struck up dance music, and on the ‘light fantastic toe’, with unflagging spirit, the company held the floor till morning. Special credit belongs to…the Rev. P. Spratt. C.C., who remained to witness all the enjoyment of the night, and to the members of the committee, Messrs M. Morrissey. T.F. Bayley, J.E. Walsh, M.F. Phelan, C.J. O’Connell, and J. Morrissey, for their untiring exertions to render the soiree what it has been – a complete success.



St Mary's Roman Catholic Church Cappoquin