Stories from Old Newspapers


Dungarvan Observer 2 March 1925

West Waterford Hunt Ball

The West Waterford Hunt Ball was held this year in Dromana [House] on February 24th. Supper was supplied by Messrs Mills, Dublin, was served at 11.30. Mr Manahan [W.A. Manahan] and some of his orchestra provided the music. Mr Dawson, head gardener at Dromana, designed and carried out all the floral decorations both in the ballroom and supper room, Mr. Villiers-Stuart, M.F.H., and his sister acted as host and hostess, and there were present over 100 guests. Some came from 40 or 50 miles away, but mainly it was a friendly little affair, all the members of the hunt dancing with each other.

Many of the gentlemen wore pink coats, which makes hunt balls so picturesque. Amongst those present were – Lady Patricia Beresford, Miss Clodagh Anson, Miss Musgrave, Miss Percival Maxwell, Miss Stella Annesley, Miss Barbara Villiers-Stuart, Miss St John Murphy, Mr. R.H. Keane, Capt. Holroyd Smyth, Mr. G.H. Russell, Capt. Alexander, Mr. P Rohan, Mr. Sharpe Bolster, Mr. Hallinan, Capt. Newenham, Mr. Cecil Smyth, Hon Claud Anson, Mr. John Perry, Mr. Cecil Hodgson, Mr. Pennyfeather, Mr. Sheil Walshe, Mr. & Mrs P. Walsh, Mr. & Mrs Fitzgerald, Miss White, Miss Godfrey, Miss Laura Power, Mr. Michael O’Brien, Mr. Murphy, Secretary West Waterford Hunt, and Mrs Murphy, Mr. Curran, Capt. Wall, Mr M O’Brien, and Miss O’Brien, etc.

Dromana House Circa 1890




GallowsHill Landscape Vision Study


Prepared by Paul Hogarth Company, is now available to view at the Waterford County Museum during normal opening hours.

Ardmore Book

 Ardmore – Memory and Story Book

The History, Traditions and Stories of an Irish Village

By Siobhan Lincoln

Stories of growing up in an Irish village told with a "blend of history, tradition and humour". Siobhán Lincoln records the social history of Ardmore village, tales of school days, dances, fishing, work, language and tradition. This book will be of interest to anyone who wants a picture of life in rural Ireland from the late 19th century to the dawning of the Millennium.

This book can be purchased at County Waterford Museum.

Paperback €20

Hardback €25

Museum's Next Talk 11th May

The Museum is happy to announce our talk for the month of May.

This is our final talk of the series and carries the title; ‘Waterford Heritage – Plans, Projects and Partnerships.’ The Speaker is Waterford County Heritage Officer Bernadette Guest.  The Heritage Officer’s function is extremely broad… Some of the principal area’s addressed by the Heritage Officer include; local heritage plans; Advice and Information for local Authority Staff; Heritage Appraisal; Public Relations; Public Consultation; Strategies, Policies and Projects.

The Museum Society over the years has had numerous occasions to call on the expertise of the County Heritage officer for advice and assistance.

The talk will be held upstairs at Merry’s Gastro Bar, Lower Main Street, Dungarvan.

Date: Wednesday May 11th

Time at 8p.m. and all are welcome

The usual admission fee of €5


Ardmore- Memory & Story Book


Ardmore – Memory and Story Book

The History, Traditions and Stories of an Irish Village

By Siobhan Lincoln

Stories of growing up in an Irish village told with a "blend of history, tradition and humour". Siobhán Lincoln records the social history of Ardmore village, tales of school days, dances, fishing, work, language and tradition. This book will be of interest to anyone who wants a picture of life in rural Ireland from the late 19th century to the dawning of the Millennium.

This book can be purchased at County Waterford Museum.

Paperback €20

Hardback €25

Stories from Old Newspapers


Waterford News 3 April 1904

‘Peaceful Dungarvan’ – RIC Vacate Grattan Square H.Q.

‘During the week a noteworthy event took place in the Old Borough, namely the removal of the Constabulary from their old quarters in Grattan Square, which they had occupied for a period extending over twenty years. Their abode henceforward will be the Military Barracks, situated at the extreme end of the town, and with which are connected many historic incidents that have often been recounted in graphic style by Sergeant Grace, the barrack sergeant. The former residence of the police is the property of Mr John R Dower, the popular and genial clerk of the Union, and it is to be converted into a branch of the Bank of Ireland. The departure of the ‘black jackets’ from the locality named, was not, altogether approved of, as the presence of Head Constable Kidney and the men, under his charge, tended, no doubt, to the good order and amenities between them and the civilians’.

This account does not match that given by Edmond Keohan in his Illustrated History of Dungarvan (1924), in which he states that the RIC barrack was on the site of Flynn’s Hotel, which in 1924 was Meade’s Restaurant.


Group of people outside Meades June 1951 ( This was the former location of the RIC Barracks in Dungarvan)

Stories from Old Newspapers


Waterford News 26 July 1890

Father John Power, Rathgormack and the People of Dungarvan

On Sunday last a deputation comprising Mr. P.McCarthy, Chairman of Committee; Mr. Michael Flynn, T.C.; Mr. Wm Morrissey, Assistant Secretary National League; Rev. F.C. Prendergast, Treasurer; and E O’Shea, Secretary ‘Suppressed’ branch, attended at Rathgormack for the purpose of presenting Father John Power with the illuminated address, copy of which was publicly presented on the 28th March last. Rev. Michael Power, C.C., late of Old Parish and Ring, and Mr. Adam Power, also joined the party. The address was beautifully designed and executed in the highest style of art by Mr. J.D. McCoy, Waterford.

Painted views of Dungarvan and Clonea churches, with several other local gems of scenery, were artistically arranged on the border, while the top bore the Dungarvan arms, surmounted by a harp, and underneath an excellent photo of the forenamed gentleman himself. Mr. E O’Shea…said…on behalf of the people of Dungarvan to present the address…he found it difficult to give adequate expression to the depth and intensity of love and esteem in which Father Power was held by the people of the parish of Dungarvan…that when the Irish Nation had succeeded in bringing this struggle of centuries to a close, the names of Father John Power, late of Dungarvan, and Father Michael Power, now of Kilsheelan, would be cherished…Father John Power in responding, thanked the members of the deputation for the beautiful address. He desired the members of the deputation to convey back to the loving and patriotic people of the Old Borough, his deep and lasting affection for them, his delight that they are still keeping the flag flying, despite the puny efforts of Balfour and his serfs…It is worthy of note that when leaving Dungarvan the cars of the deputation were followed for five miles into the country by the emergency car and again when reaching Rathgormack Father Power’s house was closely watched by police. Such are the Balfourian methods of 19th century government.



Mayfield House Sold

 We were happy to see that the ruined Mayfield House in Portlaw has been sold, to be restored as a hotel. The once magnificent mansion was the home of the Malcolmson family who started the cotton factory in Portlaw.


Museum Talk

Full House for Ballyvoile Talk

The talk was given by Stradbally historian Cian Flaherty who recently published a book on the Ballyvoile ambush which is now sold out.  There was a lively question and answer session afterwards. We would like to thank Merry’s Gastro pub for facilitating the event.


Emily Ussher Memoir now online


Emily Ussher (nee Jebb), wife of Beverly Ussher of Cappagh House wrote a memoir of her life at Cappagh from 1914 to 1925 titled “The True story of a Revolution”.

The R.C.B. library have digitised their copy of the manuscript with the introduction by Waterford historian Pat Mc Carthy.  The memoir can be accessed on the  Click on “News” and within the article is a link “click here” which will bring up a PDF of the 260 page typed manuscript.


Stories from Old Newspapers


Cork Examiner 8 October 1886

New Stained-Glass windows, Presentation Convent Dungarvan

‘Resurrection of Old Irish Art’

In the chapel of the Presentation Convent of Dungarvan, Co Waterford, one of the finest set of windows which can be seen in this land has just been completed. There are fourteen windows in all, which have been erected In the new openings of the chapel which has recently been remodeled in the Hiberno-Norman style of architecture, after the plans of Walter W Doolin, Esq., architect of Dublin, who has very cleverly changed an ordinary upper room into a handsome and unique basilica. The windows are in two series – nine in the choir, and five in the sanctuary. Those in the choir (or nave) consist of two lights, circular-headed, surmounted by an “aureola”. They are filled with the most elaborate traceried panels, all designed after the old Irish examples of ornament, derived from Mss and the sculptured and metal work of Erin. In the centre of the windows is shown a scene of Our Lord’s life, beginning at the “Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple”. These scenes are beautifully designed and are executed in rich and harmonious tints…In the sanctuary are four semi-circular headed windows containing the most exquisitely designed figures of the Saviour, the Blessed Virgin, St. Patrick, and St. Brigid, all with emblems and surmounted by Celtic ornament and borders. The lettering even of the texts on these windows is Irish. The work is executed in real antique glass, and the colours are in the glass or metal itself, and not painted on the surface only…In the dome over the altar is a circular light representing the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, surrounded by rays of glory. They have been designed and executed by the widely known artistic firm of Cox, Sons, Buckley and Co., of London and New York. Mr Buckley himself having given the utmost attention to all the details of our national art, being himself an Irish artist and archaeologist. The same firm has lately executed some splendid ones in the Celtic style in the noble new church at Lismore, Co Waterford.