Dungarvan To-Day Part III

Fair Day

Extract from: Waterford News 22 September 1922

The farmers of the district are also hard hit by the present troubles.  Fairs are practically useless.  Dungarvan used to have one of the most successful fairs in the South of Ireland.  Now, in the absence of railway communication, it is difficult to dispose of cattle, and prices as a consequence are low…Farmers cannot come to town to secure supplies in consequence of the broken bridges. The times are out of joint. People in the Stradbally direction have much difficulty in crossing the river at Ballyvoile, and it is the same with road traffic around the district.

It may be said with truth that a hundred years ago the town was better served than now.  Even before the railway ran there was a regular steamship service between Waterford and Dungarvan. How long is the present condition of things to last?  When shall we revert to peace, and the public services be functioning as they ought to be, to the best advantage?  A great deal of injury has been done, and much suffering has been caused to the general community.  There is no benefit to be derived from the destruction of public works that have taken years of labour to build.  All people earnestly desire peace. And now in addition to other discomforts there comes upon us the strike of the post office officials.  All postal work is at a standstill…From a statement made by the Government the Irish Post Office has lost in money for one year the large amount of one and a half million pounds.  The Irish Government have propounded the dictum that civil servants have no right to strike.  The Labour Party disagrees.  Hence, they have done all they can to thwart the Government in its efforts to get on with the business of the country.  A letter has not been received in Dungarvan for the past week...No telegraph no telephone. Truly government and liberty simply mean the upset of everything and would lead one to believe that liberty is a curse, while tyranny is a blessing.  I suppose it must all be attributed to the falling away of the morale of the present generation as compared to the fine notions of nobility and honour in the past.    

Dungarvan Post Office