Digital Atlas of Ireland to be launched as part of Heritage Week

 The Irish Historic Towns Atlas (IHTA) announces the launch of the Digital Atlas of Dungarvan as part of Heritage Week (15–23 August 2020), where the theme this year is ‘Learning from our heritage’.


The Digital Atlas of Dungarvan will be launched on 18 August 2020 ahead of the publication of the printed atlas — IHTA, no. 30, Dungarvan/Dún Garbhán — which is due for publication in October 2020. 

The new digital atlas is an interactive map that allows users to explore the urban heritage of the town of Dungarvan in their own way.  Freely available and accessible online, it provides layers of historical maps that show how the town plan has changed over time.  A specially digitised base map shows the town in 1841, where detailed historical information on over 700 individual sites has been incorporated and is available in pop-up boxes (see above).  In this way, features of the past townscape, such as the long disappeared medieval defensive walls, are revealed and may be examined alongside more familiar streets and buildings.  The Heritage Council has asked communities to explore ‘Heritage on their doorstep’ for this year’s Heritage Week — Dungarvan residents, students and visitors are invited to do just that via the Digital Atlas of Dungarvan. 

The Digital Atlas of Dungarvan will be available from 18 August 2020 on


Waterford County Museum is delighted to be part of this project.