Get Creative with the Museum!

In the coming weeks Waterford County Museum is delighted to provide drawings  based on images in our collections to the Dungarvan Leader and Dungarvan Observer for children to colour in. The drawings were created by museum staff member and artist Tony Hayes.
Children are invited to photograph the finished drawing and email it to:
We will put them up in a gallery on our facebook page!

As the museum is closed we are thinking of ways to engage with our audiences. We hope to produce short films about our next exhibition and focus on objects in our collections and the story behind them. Watch out for further details on this and other initiatives.   

Museum Closed

Waterford County Museum will remain closed until 19th April as per government guidelines. We would like to send our best wishes to all our members and look forward to seeing you all again soon.

You can still contact the Museum by phone at (058) 45960 and
email: during normal working hours
Monday to Friday – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

All museum events, lectures, etc.  are cancelled until further notice.

Photo of the Week

Can you identify anyone in this photo taken in Grattan Square at the St Patrick’s Day Parade in 1975?  If so, please let us know. Our phone number is (058) 45960. This photograph is one of many available to view online on

Stories from Old Newspapers

Dungarvan Observer 3 May 1930
Dungarvan Solicitor’s Patent - Removing a difficulty in paper-making
Another Irish invention is described in the official journal of the Industrial Property Office for last month. It stands in the names of Frederick Butterworth, solicitor, Dungarvan, and Robert W. Horsburgh, Saggart, as joint inventors, and its object is to control automatically the thickness of paper in manufacture. The method adopted to measure the thickness depends upon the use of the photo electric cell. A beam of light passed through the paper will vary in intensity with the thickness of the paper, more or less light being absorbed, or the thickness increases or decreases. The beam of light, after its passage through the paper, is focused upon a photo electric cell and variations in intensity of the light produce variations in electric currents in the cell. These variations are amplified and used to control the speed of the motor driving the paper- making machine, so that, if the paper tends to thicken, the motor is accelerated and the amount of ‘stuff’ fed to the machine in each revolution is reduced.
Mr Butterworth, solicitor, is the nephew of Mr E.A. Ryan, solr., Dungarvan, and practices in the Waterford office of the firm of Messrs E.A. Ryan & Co Solrs.
Note: The Butterworth family lived in Colligan Lodge in the early 1900s. 


Photo of the Week

Can you identify anyone in this photo taken at St Michael's Hall, Ballyduff Upper in 1945?  If so, please let us know.  This photo is one of many available to view online at

Cancellation of Events

Our afternoon talks and walks at three have been postponed to later in the year.

The Sheare Street Social Club film which was postponed will also be rescheduled for later in the year.

The annual member’s trip away has also been postponed and will be reviewed at a later date.

Exhibitions in the Museum

We were working on exhibitions etc., when we were forced to close the museum, but the work continues behind the scenes. The first is:

Bureau of Military History – Phil O’Donnell Collection

Phil O’Donnell of Dungarvan was employed by the bureau between 1954 and 1956 to interview former IRA veterans in Co Cork.  The collection includes his draft reports and original material relating to republican prisoners on Spike Island 1921.  As we don’t know when the museum will be open again to visitors, we are thinking about filming the exhibition and making it available on our facebook page. We may do this for other parts of our collection.

Stories from Old Newspapers

Newry Examiner & Louth Advertiser   11 February 1863

A Worthy Example

Colonel Beresford, of Woodhouse, Stradbally, has during the last week, sent for four families who went recently to the poorhouse at Kilmacthomas, and employed them to ‘hew wood’ from his estate, to be given gratis to them and their fellow sufferers. The Gallant Colonel has also been giving food of all description to the poor in his vicinity, without distinction of any sect.

It is to be hoped the good example thus given will be followed up by other landlords, as it will not only relieve ‘the poor and needy’, but save our poorhouses from paupers and our jails from culprits.

“ The Show will go on “

“ The Show will go on “

The Sheare Street Social Club 
film will proceed as planed in the cinema next Tuesday 24th March . Tickets are available fom David Walsh , Main Street @ 
€ 10.=

Closure of Waterford County Museum

Closure of Waterford County Museum
Due to the Coronavirus situation Waterford County Museum will close from 5 p.m. this Thursday 12th March until 29th March when we will review the situation .
You can still contact the Museum by Phone ; 058 45960
During normal working hours. Monday to fryday –10am to 5pm
All museum events, lectures,etc,etc.. are cancelled until further notice

Photo of the week

Can you identify anyone in this photo?  If so, please let us know. Our phone number is (058) 45960. This photograph is one of many available to view online on

Corona virus

Corona virus
Due to the Corona virus we will postpone all talks, we will reschedule all talks on a later date!

Stories from Old Newspapers

Dungarvan Observer 1 March 1930
Local Enterprise
Mulcahy’s, the well-known Drapers and Outfitters, Dungarvan, who have built such a prosperous business since their opening in the town some 12 years ago, have now decided in view of the success of their previous undertaking to proceed still further and are opening a new Boot and Shoe Department in which they will specialise in high quality ladies’ shoes of up-to-date design, gentlemen’s comfortable boots and shoes, and children’s long service footwear. To cope with the new business, they have considerably altered their spacious premises and fitted them for artistic display. Orders to measure will be taken, and all kinds of footwear can be hand made to your own special requirements. Good value, for which the firm is characteristic, will be a feature pursued to the utmost.

Scoil Gharbháin visit to museum

We were delighted to welcome rang a trí agus Múinteoir Fíní, Silvia agus Róisín from Scoil Gharbháin this week.  We always welcome visits from schools and colleges.  Please contact us to book a time for a tour of the museum.

Thursday 12th March - Final Lecture in Dunhill Series by Julian Walton

Dunhill History Lectures
Series XIV, 2020

The series concludes on Thursday 12th March in Dunhill Multi-Education Centre (opposite the GAA grounds). Eircode - X91 FVF9.  

Starting at 8 p.m., the lecture lasts about an hour and is followed by a question and answer session and light refreshments.
The final lecture in the series is on Thursday 12th March by Julian Walton and in accordance with tradition it is simply titled: A SURPISE!

All are welcome.

Venue:      Dunhill Multi-Education Centre

Time:        8 p.m.

Speaker:  Julian Walton

Title:         A Surprise!

Tuesday 17th March SGC Event - Royal Opera: Fidelio - Live

We have another special for our Museum members in 
conjunction with SGC Cinema.  Members can avail of reduced rates to 
events courtesy of Mr. Eugene Tobin, Manager SGC Cinema, Dungarvan. 

It is advisable to book your tickets in advance for these events. 

Members can call to the museum to pick up their concession tickets. 

 Royal Opera: Fidelio - Live

 will be shown in SGC Cinema Dungarvan on Tuesday 17th March 2020 at 7.15 p.m. 

Photo of the Week

Can you identify anyone in this photo?  If so, please let us know. Our phone number is (058) 45960. This photograph is one of many available to view online on

Stories from Old Newspapers

Manchester Courier & Lancashire General Advertiser  8 Nov 1845

Presence of Mind and Detection of Murderers

In the cemetery adjoining the ruined church of St. Declan at Ardmore, Ireland are two remarkably long graves close together, not far from the entrance to St Declan’s tomb.  There lie two brothers, once exceedingly tall, fine young men – but they were murderers, convicted and executed, though the headstone merely tells us that John and James Fuge departed this life April 15, 1805, aged 25 and 27 years.

Their victim had offended them by taking ground from which some of their family had been ejected for non-payment of rent.  His self-constituted judges and executioners went to his house, armed, and with their faces blackened, at an hour where they expected to find him alone, and murdering him in cold blood, then retired in full confidence of impunity; they were apparently unseen by all, save the Almighty.  They had forgotten Him, but he had prepared a witness against them.  A little girl, who had seen their approach through a window, and was alarmed at their blackened faces, had just time to spring into a large chest and pull down the lid before they entered.  The chest was not shut closed, and she was enabled undiscovered to see the deed of blood, to observe the remarkable stature of the perpetrators, and to note in particular that one of them had lost a front tooth.  Her subsequent evidence occasioned their apprehension and conviction.

Knockanore Glendine Kilwatermoy Community and Heritage Annual on sale now

The current Knockanore Glendine Kilwatermoy Community and Heritage Annual features articles from Clashmore, Cappoquin, Tallow, Ballyduff, Yougal, Carrick on Suir and as far away as Cavan, Galway and even Texas.  KGK Heritage and Historical Society say that our heritage is not just a collection of artifacts, above and below ground, old buildings, books, photos, etc, but a vibrant living record of who we are, in our stories, our music, our sport and our memories of the past.

The annual is currently on sale in Fordes in Tallow and Crowleys Applegreen Service Station in Youghal.  Cost of the annual is €10.00.