Stories from Old Newspapers

Grand Concert at Touraneena

Dungarvan Observer 13 April 1929

For the purposes of helping to liquidate the heavy parochial debt of £1,237 which still hangs over the Parish of Touraneena, a grand vocal and instrumental concert was held on Sunday night in the Boys School…which was largely attended.  A most attractive and diversified programme of Irish step-dancing, songs, recitations, instrumental selections and other appropriate items had been arranged.…the dancing items having being given by the clever children of the Boys’ and Girls’ National Schools in Touraneena, who had been specially trained for the occasion by Mr. P. Millea, Irish teach, in a manner which reflected great credit on him.  Mr. G. Quinlan and Miss J. Horan of the Boys school, and Miss M. Flynn and Mrs. J. Bell of the Girls school also deserve much praise.  Dr. Mullanny, Seskinane, and Mr. Seán Bell, Touraneena, were also prominent contributors….but the principal artists were supplied by Cappoquin as the result of Father Meskill’s thoughtfulness in requesting Mr. M. J. Sargent to organise a special concert for the occasion….