Stories from Old Newspapers

Dungarvan Leader 11 February 1950

Tom Tobin, writer of the Spotlight column in the Leader received a letter from Thomas D McCue (native of Abbeyside and brother of Jack McCue) in San Francisco relating to the first Irish ship flying the tricolor to pass through the Golden Gate:

‘On Thursday morning January 27 I witnessed one of the greatest thrills of my exiled life when the first Irish ship ‘Irish Plane’ first to fly the Irish flag, sailed through the Golden Gate…Later in the day I had the pleasure of visiting the ship and meeting a young man from Dungarvan, Michael Shalloe, who is a cadet aboard her…In a very short time my son Capt James McCue and myself had him travelling around San Francisco seeing the sights.  Later…my daughters, Mrs James P Moloney and Mrs Frank J Mealy, known in Abbeyside as Margaret and Dorothy McCue entertained our visitor to dinner.  My sister Aileen McCue enjoyed Michael’s visit very much as she knew his father’.

The ship was built in England for Irish Shipping Ltd and the captain was Patrick Frank Kelly Jr. Also at the Official welcome were the Irish consul, Patrick Hughes, and Phil O’Rourke the head of the radio operators union and the Irish Freedom League.