Stories from Old Newspapers

Clonmel Herald 4 July 1835


About twelve o’clock on Sunday night last, a party of fellows belonging to the faction denominated GOWS, went to the house of a man named Lynch, residing at Canune [?], in the parish of Rathgormac, in this county, and forcibly carried away his daughter, not even allowing her to dress herself, the family having been in bed at the time of these ruffians’ visit.  The party was headed by a notorious character, named Michael Hasey, who had on a former occasion proposed marriage to Lynch’s daughter and his addresses were rejected principally owing to his well-known bad character.

Every exertion was made by the Rathgormac and Carrick police, who are still on the alert, to discover the retreat of Hasey, but he has as yet eluded their vigilance.