Stories from Old Newspapers

Horse Racing in Dungarvan

Waterford Chronicle - 5th October 1833

An unnamed Dungarvan man wrote the following letter to the editor:

Sir, I think you will be glad to learn that this little city is about to revive its claim to the merry appellation, by which it was distinguished in days of yore - jolly Dungarvan.  Races are to commence here on the 21st of October; the first days running will be on the bar, where lovers of the picturesque will have the opportunity of enjoying the far-famed Dungarvan prospect…then follow two days running across the country.  The first day for Gentleman’s horses, four miles across the country…for the Dungarvan cup of £30, to which the Stewards will add twenty.  On the second day, Mr Lamb’s cup of £10 is to be contended for across the country by farmer’s horses, after which the ladies cup of £20 is to run for over the same ground, to be rode by gentlemen.  His Grace the Duke of Devonshire has not yet sent in his contribution which is daily expected…the neighbouring gentry are subscribing very liberally, amongst whom Mr Butler Lowe [Lived at Bayview House, Ballinacourty] stands foremost…he has kept up a series of races on a small scale during the summer months…solely at his own expense…there are several private matches to come off; an excellent band will be in attendance.  There will be a subscription ball at the Devonshire Arms the second night.