Stories from Old Newspapers

Some unexpected finds were reported in the Dungarvan Observer on the 4th of April 1939.  Could the human remains have dated from the Famine period, and do the Power family still have the coins?

Gruesome Find at Barnawee

While engaged in widening corners at the crossroads leading to Clonea and Ballinacourty, County Council workmen unearthed the skeletons of at least seven human beings.  The skeletons which were found in a kind of long trench did not appear, from the position of the remains, to have been buried in the usual way, one at least being in a more or less sitting position, while another lay on its side.  An authority on such matters who visited the place expressed his view that the remains were buried over 100 years ago.

George III Coins

The work of erecting fourteen working men’s houses at Kilmacthomas is proceeding apace.  Mr. B Nolan, builder, Waterford is the contractor, and one of his employees is Mr. Patrick Power, Old Road, Kilmacthomas, who while carrying out some excavations…unearthed two coins from the reign of George III.  Both are in good condition and are dated 1805.