Gallows Hill Archaeological Dig August 2018

From the 17th-23rd of August 2018 the Gallows Hill Dig in Dungarvan took place.  The dig was led by Archaeologist Dave Pollock with volunteers connected with the museum helping. 

This was the second dig to be carried out at the mound and it was a great success with some really interesting discoveries which will be discussed in detail at a later date.  On the third day of the dig there was a special dig for children with the Big Dig team which was very well attended and enjoyed by all. 

Our thanks to Chrissy Knight-O'Connor and Eddie Cantwell, archaeologists Dave Pollock and Jo Moran, volunteers, those who made donations, photographers John Foley and Simon Dowling, sponsors, Waterford City & County Council, The Heritage Council, Adopt a Monument Ireland, Cathal Brugha Resident's Group, artists Anthony Hayes and Kayleigh Regan, and all who helped in any way. 

Photos are from photographer John Foley and the Gallows Hill Community Archaeology Group.