Object of the Week - Feis Na nDeise Cup 1927

The Feis and Aeridheacht was held annually and as well as being a cultural event it also included sport.  In 1927 the Feis was held in Dungarvan on July 3rd.  Dan Fraher was Treasurer and he placed an advert in the Dungarvan Observer appealing for funds.  He noted that there would be competitions in Irish dancing, singing and instrumental music as well as a football match for a valuable set of medals. 

Over £50 was offered in prizes.  Dan noted that over 300 competitors had already entered.  He acknowledged subscriptions received from: 
M. O'Foghludha, Ardmore £5, Colaiste Na Rinne £5, An Canonach Furlong P.P. £2.2.0, An Fear Mor £2, Liam O Miodhachain £1, Seamus O Lanagain £1, Sean O Conaire £1 and Sean O Muineachain £1.