Dungarvan Success at Enterprising Town Awards

An aspect of the museum's work that is not always in the public eye is the support we provide to local business.  We do a lot of work in the area of tourism, helping to maintain the connection with the West Waterford Diaspora around the world.  This has obvious benefits for local restaurants, cafés and accommodation providers.  Less obvious is the support we provide to businesses that use local heritage in their branding.  This can be as simple as providing photographs of premises from the olden days, or providing information that can help with branding (Gallows Hill Barley Wine, Legacy Cider etc).  

We are fortunate in Dungarvan to have a very forward thinking, active business community that recognises the role heritage and community groups can play in the economic life of the town.  We were delighted when Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber of Commerce & Waterford Council invited our museum to contribute to Dungarvan's presentation for the Bank of Ireland's Enterprising Town Awards.  

At an awards ceremony in Tullamore last Thursday November 16th, Dungarvan was runner up in the Munster Town with a population over 7000 category.  We were narrowly beaten into second place by Tralee, the eventual overall winners of the National Competition.  The final presentation to the competition judges was made by Jenny Beresford from Dungarvan Chamber, Bríd Kirby from Waterford Council and Willie Whelan from the museum.  

After the results were announced Willie Whelan said that It's amazing to think that Dungarvan is now in a position to be compared to Tralee, a much larger town with decades of business development behind it.  Some of our progress as a town is down to the Greenway effect, but more of it is down to the work of Waterford Council, Dungarvan Chamber and other groups in promoting and developing Dungarvan.  I was very impressed with the quality of the presentations put together by Jenny & Bríd.  They did a fantastic job telling Dungarvan's story.  It is particularly gratifying to have local businesses recognise the contribution voluntary groups such as our museum, Club Déise and the Men's Shed make to developing our community”.

The museum would like to thank Bank of Ireland for organising the competition, Jennifer Hickey and local BOI staff for their support with the competition entry; lastly we would like to thank Dungarvan Chamber, Waterford Council and Dungarvan Enterprise Centre for giving us another platform to promote the town's heritage.