Object of the Week - A Wooden Folding Chair from the Pavilion of the Cunnigar Golf Course, 1920s

The Cunnigar was used as a venue for horse races and cricket matches in the 19th century.  The first golf course in Dungarvan was laid out on the Cunnigar in 1892.  It was redesigned in 1922 by Dennis Casssidy, a golfer from Castletroy, Co. Limerick.  Edmond Keohan rerfers to the course in his History of Dungarvan, 1924:

'A golf club was established in 1922, with Mr. E.A. Ryan, State Solicitor as President.  There was a great accession of members, and an expert from Dublin was procured who laid out the links on the Cunnigar.  A fine pavilion was erected in 1924 which will afford much shelter in time of rain.....'

In 1929 the club relocated to Clonea.