Archaeological Dig at Gallows Hill in Dungarvan

This week 4th to 9th June 2017 saw a very important and exciting archaeological dig at Gallows Hill here in Dungarvan.  A lot of hard work went into the arrangements for this dig, and the team worked hard over the week itself despite the weather.  Our thanks to Chrissy Knight-O'Connor, Eddie Cantwell, archaeologist Dave Pollock, Waterford City & County Council, The Heritage Council, Adopt a Monument Ireland, Dwane Tool Hire, Trihy's Saw Mills, Graphic Print & Signs, Cathal Brugha Resident's Group, John Foley Images, artist Anthony Hayes and all the volunteers who took part in the dig, the local community, and all those involved who are too numerous to mention.

The dig has uncovered very valuable indications of the origins of Gallows Hill.  Further information is available on the Gallows Hill Community Archaeology and Waterford County Museum pages on Facebook.  More to follow!