Object of the Week - 'Patent Agate Balance' Beam Scales by W & T Avery, Birmingham, 19th Century

These scales were used in Walsh's Tobacconists, Main Street, Dungarvan.  The Walsh family took over from the Carbery's in the production and selling of tobacco in Dungarvan.

Slater's Directory of 1879 lists John Walsh, Main Street, as a tobacco manufacturer.  Egan's Guide 1894 noted that the business was run by Mary Walsh who also made snuff.

The shop and living quarters were on the site of the present Garvey's Supermarket.  Thom's Directory 1909 notes Matthew Walsh as a 'Grocer & Spirit Merchant, Tobacco & Snuff Manufacturer'.

By 1924 they had opened a shop at the corner of Mary Street and Grattan Square.