Wednesday 25th January 2017, Illustrated Talk: The early development of creameries in Co. Waterford 1885-1935, by Dr. Proinnsias Breathnach

Our first talk of 2017 is on a theme which is sure to be of great interest, not only to the rural community in our county, but also to the town of Dungarvan itself where Waterford Co-op was situated.

All that remains of that industrious place is a statue which displays a man rolling a ten gallon churn which is situated where the entrance from Grattan Square to the Co-op was.

Those of you who have previously heard Dr. Proinnsias Breathnach (Senior Lecturer Emeritus in Geography at Maynooth University) will certainly be looking forward to this, his return visit.

People who still remember creameries generally associate them with co-operatives.  However, in their early years most creameries were privately owned, and this remained the case until the 1920's when government action saw all creameries being brought into co-operative ownership. The first creameries in Co. Waterford were established in the mid 1880's, and by 1900 there were some twenty three creameries in all, of which just two were co-operatives.  By 1920 the number of private creameries had fallen to just ten, but there were still only three co-ops.

This presentation gives an illustrated account of the early development of creameries in Co. Waterford, the main figures involved in their establishment, and how the creamery system in the county was transformed in the 1920's and 1930's.  This is a talk not to be missed, delivered in Proinnsias's own inimitable style and erudition.  Please note that this will take place in the theatre proper and not in the green room. 

Venue:          Town Hall Theatre, Dungarvan

Date:             Wednesday, 25th January 2017

Time:             8pm  

Admission:   €5