Thursday 23rd February 2017 Concert - 'Message of Peace' Tour by Seán Tyrrell

Waterford County Museum is delighted to announce that Seán Tyrrell will kick off his 2017/18 'Message of Peace' tour of the USA, Canada and Australia here in Ireland in Dungarvan.

The tour will be going to Western Australia in February 2018 for the 150th anniversary of the sailing of the Hougoumont, the convict ship that took John Boyle O'Reilly, Abbeyside's Denis B. Cashman and the other Fenians to Australia.  Denis B. Cashman was one of the Fenians who played a prominent role in O'Reilly's life, and as a young man when arrested stated 'I am willing to die for Ireland'.

This tour marks Seán's return to Canada and the USA, so popular was his 'Message of Peace' tour that he was invited back there.

Seán's show maps the amazing life and incredible work of one of Ireland's lesser known heroes, John Boyle O'Reilly, and through the medium of song and story it paints a vivid picture of his journey from his boyhood in Dowth, enlistment as a Fenian, imprisonment and great escape from the penal colony in Fremantle.  He settled in Boston and became one of the most important Irishmen in America of his day.  It was here that Cashman later joined him and worked on the 'Pilot'.

This show will include great songs, storytelling, theatre and history in a relevant, humorous, heroic and  tragic manner.  It is the story of the life of a visionary, poet, rebel, freedom fighter and civil rights activist.

Songs in the show connect the history of the 19th century and modern times in a seamless way, and are drawn from a wide variety of sources including Oscar Wilde, Francis Ledwidge, Bob Dylan, Bobby Sands, John Lennon and many more.  Using an array of instruments, Seán weaves effortlessly between narrative, instrumental and song.

Seán's show has received rave reviews from people such as Paul Keating of the Irish Voice New York, the poet Dennis McSharry, Mike Considine of Notable Arts and Yachats Festival Oregon presenter David Bridson.

Tickets are on sale at the Museum on a first come first served basis, so don't miss out!

Venue:             Town Hall Theatre, Dungarvan

Date:                Thursday 23rd February, 2017

Time:                8pm

Admission:      €10