Object of the Week - Brass Handle from Wrecked Train at Ballyvoile Viaduct

The attack on the Ballyvoile Viaduct took place on 8th August 1922, two weeks before the end of the Civil War.  The third and fourth arches from the Waterford end were destroyed by explosives placed beneath the track.  Over the following weeks all of the remaining arches collapsed except one.

On 20th/21st January 1923 a works train was repairing the line near Durrow and the train was captured by Republicans, and the workmen were ordered to leave, and the driver was ordered to start the train sending it west towards the destroyed viaduct at Ballyvoile.  When the train arrived at Ballyvoile it plunged 70 feet into the valley below landing upside down.

The brass handle in the photograph stamped G.S.W.R. is from the train. Dungarvan photographer Edmond Keohan captured the scene of the destruction.