18-19 March, 2016 The Church of Ireland hosts a public conference on 1916 in Waterford

Remembering, Forgetting and Fulfilling 1916:

Can the future be built upon the untapped resources of the past?

Venue: Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford

Date: 18-19 March

Cost for full conference €80 (which includes light lunch Saturday for those who pre-register)
Concession €30 for retired people or on receipt of student or social welfare card

Register online at www.christchurchwarerford.com/events/conference-1916
email: events.christchurchwaterford@gmail.com
Tel: 353 51 858958

This public conference has been planned by the Dean of Waterford, the very Revd. Maria Jansson, to bring together not just scholars and people enquiring about the founding events of our state but also the general thinking public interested in the manner in which we remember the events of the past, commemorate them, but also 'misremember' or abuse them for political purposes. Over 2,000 books are in the public domain on the subject, so this conference will question the ways in which we 'do' and use history. She has brought together a panel of speakers of international and national standing.

March 18: Professor Charles Townsend, Emeritus Professor of International History at Keele University. 'The Complexities of Commemoration'

March 19: Professor Ronan Fanning, Emeritus Professor of History at UCD. 'The Political Abuses of 1916'

March 19: Dermot Meleady (who wrote the hugely significant two volume biography on John Redmond) . 'Misremembered History'

March 19: Robin Bantry White, retired Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross. 'Contrasting voices: Dr. Kathleen Lynn and Professor Walter Alison Philipps'.

The conference will close with the response of Bishop Michael Burrows, Bishop of Waterford  to the above presentations. He will also preach in the Cathedral on Easter Day to mark the centenary of 1916.

There will be ample opportunity for participants to engage with the speakers in open fora and it is hoped that the event will generate much reflection and discussion.