2015 celebrates the 800th anniversary of the charter from King John to the Norman knight Thomas Fitz Anthony, Seneschal of Leinster, granting Thomas the present-day counties of Waterford and Cork in Ireland. From the time when Thomas Fitz Anthony’s daughter married John Fitz Thomas FitzGerald, their descendants have lived at Dromana house, Villierstown. The FitzGeralds have been an integral part of the community since the thirteenth century.
800 is a celebration of people and place. There are few families in Ireland
today whose history is so well documented. On 3 July there will be a seminar which will include
the following distinguished speakers: Julian Walton, Ken Nicholls, Dr Anthony
Malcomson, Peter Murray, Robert O’Byrne, Dr. Diarmuid Scully.
Other events
include music, house tours, Georgian fete, Commemoration of
Battle of Affane, genealogy consultations.
To find out details of the full
programme of events consult the web site – www.dromana800.com.
Venue's: Dromana, Villierstown
Dates: 2nd to 5th July 2015