Christmas Opening Hours at Museum

Christmas opening hours
Monday 22nd December 9-5
Tuesday 23rd December 9-2
Wednesday 24th December Closed
Thursday 25th December Closed
Friday 26th December Closed
Monday 29th December 9-5
Tuesday 30th December 9-5
Wednesday 31st December 9-12
Thursday 1st January Closed
Friday 2nd January Closed

We wish all our members and friends a very happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year

The Déise Divided by Tommy Mooney

Tommy Mooney has recently launched his new book
titled "The Déise Divided"

A History of The Waterford Brigade IRA and the Civil War.

The book was published by dePaor, Scanlan's Yard, Dungarvan.

"The Déise Divided" is  now available for sale at the Museum.

Recent Donations by Mr. John Stafford

The Museum has recently acquired by donation from Mr. John Stafford, original documents relating to the Court Martial in Dungarvan, of a Private Thomas Ward of the Royal Irish Hussars who was slaughtered in the town “in aid of the Civil Power” in October 1846.

This was the period during the Great Famine in which Food riots occurred resulting in death and injury among the rioters.

Private Ward, however, was not court-martialled for any conduct during the riots, but for being drunk on duty, along with three other troopers.

A more detailed account of the riots is contained in the Waterford County Museum Society publication “Desperate Haven” an account of the
operator of the Work House in Dungarvan.

John also donated a lace neck choker and a skirt clip.

We are very grateful to him for these donations, which were presented to Mr.Jim Shine of Waterford County Museum.

12th Dec. 2014 Christmas Party

Members and friends of the Museum, hoping to see you all at our Christmas party.

Date: Friday 12th December
Venue: Museum, Friary Street
Time: 7.30pm

There will be a wide variety of entertainment with finger food and refreshments served.

Tickets €10 are now available at the Museum.
Please purchase your tickets in advance, to allow for catering.

Rory Wyley Exhibition a Tremendous Success

The official opening of the Rory Wyley photographic exhibition was launched at the Museum last Thursday night by photographer Pat Crowley. The night proved to be a great success. William Fraher, Museum President welcomed
Rory, his wife Mary and the Wyley family.

Councillor Damien Geoghegan presented Rory with a framed scroll on behalf of the Council and the local community for his contribution to the area
over the years.

Many thanks to Christina Flynn who organised the exhibition, also to Noreen Nugent and Richard
Curran and to all the Museum staff for their contribution.

A special thanks to Andrew Kelly who supplied the display stands for the photographs.

Thanks to all those who attended and made the night such a wonderful success.

Congratulation to Rory 
 we wish him and his family 
a very happy Christmas 
and a healthy and prosperous 
New Year.

The exhibition will be open at the Museum in Friary St., throughout December. 
Admission is free and all are welcome.

27th November 2014 Rory Wyley Photographic Exhibition

Official opening of the Rory Wyley photographic exhibition

by local Photographer Pat Crowley

will take place:

Venue: Museum, Friary St., Dungarvan

Date: 27th November 2014

Time: 7.30pm

Festive refreshments of mulled wine and mince pies

All are welcome

2nd Dec.2014 "Waterford Women in History" by Andrew Kelly

A lecture and photographic exhibition  which will highlight many stories of women from Waterford City and County will be given by Andrew Kelly. Andrew's work is a growing and extensive collection of women from all walks of life, who made a valuable contribution to the development of Waterford.

Venue: Town Hall Theatre, Friary St., Dungarvan
Date: Tuesday 2nd December 2014
Time: 8pm
Admission: €5-

Donation by Mr. & Mrs. Eddie O'Shea

Mary & Eddie O'Shea presenting Noreen Nugent of Waterford County Museum
with 2 albums of postcards dating back to 1930 for which the Museum is very grateful.

6th Nov 2014 Book launch by Julian Walton

Museum member Julian Walton with Frank O'Donoghue will launch the second volume of 
"On This Day"

Date: Thursday 6th November

Venue: Eason's, Dungarvan

Time: 7.00 pm

Whereas the first volume celebrated 1100 years of the history of the city, this second edition includes not only the city but also the county.

The launch will be performed by Nicola Beresford

All are welcome

18th Nov. 2014 The Vatican Museum 3D at SGC

Visit SGC, Dungarvan to see The Vatican Museums in 3D

This will be a guided tour of the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel, taking in masterpieces of art history by Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raffaello and Caravaggio among many others.

Venue: SGC, Dungarvan

Date: Tuesday 18th November 2014

Time: 8.30 pm

Tickets are now available for members at the Museum in Friary Street at a reduced rate. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Contact 058-45960

Free Downloadable Waterford History Books

The following books about Waterford History are available to download free of charge. They are all of interest, particularly Charles Smith's book. It should be kept in mind that the books are products of their time. Some of the historical conclusions or facts may have been overtaken by current research. This is particularly true where the authors deal with pre-history. P M Egan's book is quite well known for containing inaccuracies but it is still a part of the canon of Waterford historical literature.

Charles Smith
The ancient and present state of the county and city of Waterford (1774) 2nd edition

R H Ryland
The history, topography and antiquities of the county and city of Waterford; with an account of the present state of the peasantry of that part of the south of Ireland (1824)

Joseph Hansard  
The History, Topography and Antiquities (natural and Ecclesiastical) with Biographical Sketches. (1870)

Edmund Downey
The story of Waterford: from the foundation of the city to the middle of the eighteenth century (1914)

P. M. Egan
History, Guide & Directory of County and City of Waterford (1895)

Thanks to Ivan Fitzgerald for sending on these links.

15th Oct. 2014 The Protestant Pope by Dr Eugene Broderick

Bishop Robert Daly
Eugene Broderick former principal of Our Lady of Mercy Secondary School, Waterford will give a lecture about the life and career of Robert Daly, 1843-1872. Robert Daly, Church of Ireland Bishop of Cashel, Waterford and Lismore is now a largely forgotten figure. Yet for many years in the nineteenth century his was a household name among Protestants and many Catholics.

Venue: Town Hall, Friary St, Dungarvan
Date: Wednesday 15th October 2014
Time: 8pm
Admission: €5-
All are welcome

17th Sept 2014 The Christ Church Cathedral Collection by Kieran Cronin

Illustrated Talk at Museum

Waterford County Museum is delighted to kick off their lectures season with an illustrated talk by Kieran Cronin who is the Deputy Librarian at W.I.T. libraries. The Christ Church collection will be of immense interest. Its purpose was to cater for the information needs of the Church's congregation and the citizens of Waterford.

Date: Wednesday 17th September 2014
Venue: Town Hall Theatre, Friary Street, Dungarvan
Time: 8 pm.

Admission €5-
As usual our lectures are open to all and we are always delighted to see new faces.

2014 Exhibition of Rory Wyley's Photographs

Appeal for Rory Wyley Photographs

The museum is planning an exhibition of the well known Dungarvan photographer Rory Wyley. If you have any photographs taken by Rory, particularly ones dating from the 1960s and early 1970s, we would love to hear from you. The photographs can be scanned and returned to you. We are looking for a wide variety of subject matter.
Photographs to be handed into the Museum by 15th October.
Photo taken by Rory Wyley 1982

History of Cycling Event a Great Success

On Friday afternoon last, a large number of adults and children attended our History of Cycling event in conjunction with the Séan Kelly tour and the start of the Heritage week. Darren  Moynihan gave a power point presentation on the history of cycling and the bicycle. Helen Moynihan gave a talk about the importance of our Heritage and spoke about the history of women and cycling. The children took part in a quiz, with the winners receiving a Sean Kelly Tour jersey.
Museum President William Fraher spoke about the important place Dungarvan has in the history of cycling in Ireland. The first cycle club in Ireland- "The Dungarvan Ramblers" was formed in Dungarvan in 1869 by Richard Edward Brenan, the Postmaster.  He won the cup for the first cycling challenge race in Ireland in September 1869, which can be seen on display in the Museum along with other cycling memorabilia.
William Fraher then introduced Mr. John O'Brien who spoke about how he acquired the penny farthing bicycle, originally owned by Canon Burkitt of Stradbally, and stated that he was delighted to give the bike on long term loan for display in the Museum.

Mr. John O'Brien & Mr.William Fraher

22nd August 2014 Adult and Children's Event-History of Cycling

Cycling History
To tie in with the Séan Kelly Tour of Waterford and the beginning of Heritage week, the County Museum are organising a special event for children and adults.

Venue: Waterford County Museum, Friary St., Dungarvan
Date: Friday 22nd August
Time: 1.30 pm

Admission free 
Children will have an opportunity to win a cycling jersey.

Darren Moynihan will give a short powerpoint presentation on the history of cycling, Helen Moynihan and William Fraher will talk on cycling in Ireland and in particular on the Dungarvan Rambler's Club- the first cycle club in Ireland. A number of items of cycling memorabilia will be on display including the first cup presented for a challenge cycle race in Ireland dating from 1869 and won by Richard Edward Brenan, postmaster and bookseller of Grattan Square.
There will be a special presentation to the museum by Mr. John O'Brien of a Penny Farthing bicycle dating from the 1890's.

6th Sept. 2014 Tipperary County Museum's Lecture Series

"The Big House in Tipperary"
From Sept. 6th 2014 to July 4th 2015

Tipperary County Museum's lecture series aims to highlight the rich architectural and historic tradition of the County. With diverse topics from the role of women, to furniture and interiors, to the social life of the family, to the life of servants, and the role of landlords, there is something to interest all. The opportunity to access objects and archives from some of the County's Big Houses and to handle replica artifacts adds another dimension to the series. Culminating in a field trip which allows participants to see in reality many of the points discussed in the series.
For further information contact 0761 06 5564 or email

Museum visit to Helvick

Museum members had a very enjoyable visit to Helvick last week. The evening began with a visit to Solas Na Mara (seaweed baths) where everyone enjoyed delicious home made cakes and refreshments. Nioclás Ó Griofáin gave a brief history of the pier at Helvick, and Helvick Lodge and the links with the Villiers Stuart family of Dromanna. The groups final visit of the evening was to the Sham-Gothic style 1870's  house (Rock House), owned by Mrs. Eileen Moloney which was built by John Thomas Hudson of Glenbeg. Everyone was taken  by the unusual design of the house and the magnificent setting by the waters edge. We concluded the evening by relaxing in the walled garden, in the glorious sunshine admiring the spectacular view. We are very grateful to Eileen Moloney for her hospitality.
Rock House

Rock House walled garden

25th August 2014 Dungarvan Historic Town Atlas

Heritage Week 23rd to 31st August

This year the Museum Society are teaming up with the County Heritage office to present a talk by Mr. John Martin titled "Dungarvan Historic Town Atlas". The town atlas is a project of the Royal Irish Academy which was first launched in 1981. A number of towns and cities have already been published. John Martin has been commissioned to research Dungarvan.

Venue: Town Hall Theatre, Dungarvan
Date: Monday 25th August
Time: 8pm

Admission is free and all are welcome

Historic Photo Exhibition at Shopping Centre a Tremendous Success

We would like to thank all those who contributed to making our photo exhibition such a success. Thank you to the Shopping Centre for the use of the unit, the volunteers and staff who helped with the display. Special thanks to Christina Flynn who organised this project. However the exhibition would not have been so successful without you the visitors (5,000 aprox) to whom we are very grateful. Thanks to those who purchased photo's or contributed to our donation box.  If you wish to order copies of any photo's on display during the exhibition, you can do so by calling to the Museum in Friary Street, Dungarvan or contact 058-45960.

Many thanks also to Carraig Donn for their generous shopping voucher. Congratulation to Bes Nolan, Cappagh winner of the voucher.

Gerry O'Connor (Shopping Centre), Bes Nolan & William Fraher (Museum)

"Waterford County in Days Gone By" Exhibition Continues

Our photo exhibition being held currently at Unit 7 in Dungarvan Shopping is proving to be very popular with young and old alike. During the first week 2,500 visitors came to view the large variety of photos.
The exhibition continues until 5pm on Thursday 17th July. Fell free to drop in, everyone is welcome.

Julian Walton performing official opening of exhibition

Visitors to Museum

The Hickey family, Dungarvan enjoying their visit to Museum

Jamie, Leon & Shauna with their dad John

Waterford County Museum featured on

Waterford Country Matters

We were delighted to be featured on the channel over the weekend. The reporter  interviewed Curator and President William Fraher, who spoke about the establishment, relocation and restoration of the Museum and he also gave a general tour of the Museum. William Whelan spoke about our website and means of communication with the public. Chrissy O'Connor Knight gave an insight into the Cumann Na mBan exhibition.

You can see the feature on our Museum Facebook page or on  Waterford Country Matters episode 2.

Annual Book Sale Fund Raiser A Great Success

Annual Fund Raiser

Our annual fund-raising book sale was a great success. A big thank you to Eddie Cantwell who put a lot of time and effort in organising this event. Thanks also to the museum committee, museum members and staff for manning the sale and transporting the books. Thanks also to Jim and Frankie Ryan, Katie Dee, Doirín Mhic Mhurcu, and in particular to Liam Power of Garvey's Supervalu, Main Street, who kindly supplied the venue. Thank you to all those who donated  and purchased books. We greatly appreciate all your support.

3 July 2014 Historic Photo Exhibition In Dungarvan Shopping Centre

Photographic Exhibition

Waterford County Museum are delighted to be hosting a photographic exhibition in the coming weeks titled "County Waterford in Days Gone By" Official opening to be performed by local Historian Julian Walton on Thursday 3rd July at 7.00 p.m.

Venue: Dungarvan Shopping Centre, Unit 7

Dates: Thursday 3rd July to Thursday 17th July

Time: 10 a.m to 5 p.m each day

The exhibition will include a large selection of photographs of Great Houses, Public Houses, Shop Fronts Railways, Maritime and lots of Candid Photographs maybe of your friends or relatives. Come and see if you can identify anyone.
The Cumann Na mBan exhibition will move from the Museum to the Shopping Centre for this period.

Make a note in your diary, all very welcome.

26th June 2014 Monster Book Sale

Museum Annual Book Sale Fund Raiser

Just a short reminder that we are holding our annual book sale this weekend starting Thursday 26th at 9 a.m. at our usual venue, the main entrance to Garvey's Super Valu, Main St., Dungarvan. We have books to suit all ages and interests. We have a very large selection of children's books.

Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Graiguenamanagh Historical Society visits Museum

We were delighted to welcome members of Graiguenamanagh Historical Society to the Museum on Wednesday last. The large group, accompanied by Nicolas O'Griofan, An Rinn, were given a guided tour of the Museum by William Fraher. They also visited King Johns Castle and other areas in West Waterford.

New Book Medieval Waterford above and below ground

New book by Dave Pollock

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book by Dave Pollock titled
 "Medieval Waterford above and below ground" This is an illustrated introduction to the medieval archaeology of Waterford City.

Knockanore Historical Society visits Museum

Knockanore Historical Society

On Thursday last we were delighted to welcome members of the Knockanore Historical Society to the Museum. Prior to visiting the Museum, they had enjoyed a guided tour of Dungarvan town by our local Historian John Young.

Knockanore Historical Society

Saturday Afternoon Opening

Waterford County Museum will be open on Saturday afternoons for the summer period from 1-5 pm beginning Saturday 7th June.
Admission free.

13th July 2014 Get on your High Nelly

High Nelly World Record Attempt

Venue: Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan

Date: Sunday 13th July 2014

If you are in possession of a High Nelly, be a part of history & help raise funds for cancer patients.

Contact: 086-1794000 Attracta Doherty Pink n' Gold Fund. Kevin Doherty recently visited the Museum and viewed the memorabilia relating to the local cycling clubs of the past.

Grandson of Captain Joseph Kavanagh visits Museum

Mr Joe O'Brien of Passage East revisits the Museum

Mr Joe O'Brien who is the grandson of Captain Joseph Kavanagh of the Fenian Ship "Erin's Hope" paid a return visit to the |Museum.
He is the retired Honoray Irish Consul in Nairobi where he now lives. Mr O'Brien previously donated a photograph of Captain Kavanagh to the Museum collection.

Joe O'Brien, Paud Ó Cuirrín, Nioclás Ó Gríofáin & William Fraher

Irish Georgian Society visit Museum

Visit by Georgian Society
Last week we were delighted to welcome members of the London chapter of the Irish Georgian Society to the museum. The group were staying at Lawlor's Hotel and were visiting heritage attractions in County Waterford. They were given a tour of the museum with particular emphasis on the artefacts and photographs associated with some of the county houses of west Waterford. The group were presented with an information pack on attractions in County Waterford, prepared by the staff of Dungarvan Tourist Office.

Members of the London Chapter of the Irish Georgian Society

Cumann Na mBan Exhibition and Theatre Event

Cumann Na mBan exhibition a tremendous success.

A very enjoyable night was had by the very large crowd that attended the official opening of the Cumann Na mBan exhibition on Thursday 8th. The exhibition was to commemorate the founding of Cumann Na mBan 100 years ago this year and to record the role women of Waterford city and county who were members of the Cumann. The Museum President, William Fraher, welcomed those present and referred to the fact that these stories were part of the hidden history of the role of women in Irish history.

He introduced Mr. John Quinlan, nephew of Pat and Thomas Keating who died at the Burgery Ambush. Mr Quinlan gave an insight and moving talk on the role of his family in the fight for independence. The audience then proceeded to the theatre where Mr. Tommy Mooney gave a powerpoint presentation on the history of the Cumann Na mBan. Local group Béaltaine performed some stirring songs throughout the evening and members of Dungarvan Dramatic Club brought to life extracts from contemporary letters written by Waterford members of CumannNa mBan. Eddie Cantwell prepared a continuous slide show of photographs throughout the performance.

In conclusion the President thanked the following for their assistance with the exhibition-Chrissie O'Connor Knight, Eddie Cantwell, the families who provided information on their relatives in Cumann Na mBan, Waterford County Museum staff, Deirdre Collender and Béaltaine, Dungarvan Dramatic Club, Tommy Mooney, Cal McCarthy, Dept of Arts Heritage & Gaeltacht, Andy Kelly, Helen Moynihan and Joanne Rothwell, Waterofrd Co. Archive. Mr Fraher stated that it was the intention of the Museum to place the information compiled for this exhibition on the museum website so that it would be available to all and be a fitting memorial to these brave Waterford women.

The exhibition will be on display for several weeks.

26th June 2014 Museum Book Sale

Annual Book Sale

The Museum annual book sale will take place at the main entrance to Garvey's SuperValu, Dungarvan

Dates: Thursday 26th,
Friday 27th & Saturday 28th June

Time: From 9 am

Books are still being accepted, and can be handed into the Museum.
As this is the Museum's main fundraiser for the year we would appreciate your support. Books to suit all ages and interests.

24th April 2014 Vikings Live from the British Museum at SGC Dungarvan

Visit SGC Dungarvan for Vikings Live

British Museum: Vikings: Life and Legend The Vikings are coming! Live broadcast from London of the first major Vikings exhibition at the British Museum for over 30 years.

Venue: SGC, Dungarvan

Date: Thursday 24th April 

Time: 7pm.

Admission: Tickets available at the Museum, Friary St., Dungarvan at a reduced rate of €10-

The British Museum are filming in Clontarf with 600 Viking re-enactors reliving the Battle of Clontarf which took place 1000 years ago. The actual anniversary is April 23rd. With demonstrations, stunning close-up photography of the Viking objects in the exhibition and a torch-lit burial in the grounds of the Museum, the broadcast of Vikings Live will be a reminder of how the Vikings have shaped our modern lives.

Children's Event Fishy Tales a Tremendous Success

Once again the Festival of Food children's event at the Museum which took place on Saturday last 12th April was a tremendous success.

Darren Moynihan used power point presentation to explain the history of fishing and the connection of the Hake to Dungarvan.

Helen Moynihan, dressed as a fish monger, explained how fish was sold in Dungarvan and the children listened attentively to Fishy Tales told by John Daly

The children enjoyed colouring and filling in collage sheets, and enjoyed some of Flahavan's Flapjacks and other little treats.

A very enjoyable morning was had by parents and children alike.

Many thanks to Helen and Darren for the work and time put into this very successful and enjoyable event and also to John Daly for his story telling.
Thanks also to the staff and committee members of the Museum for their help.