15th Oct. 2014 The Protestant Pope by Dr Eugene Broderick

Bishop Robert Daly
Eugene Broderick former principal of Our Lady of Mercy Secondary School, Waterford will give a lecture about the life and career of Robert Daly, 1843-1872. Robert Daly, Church of Ireland Bishop of Cashel, Waterford and Lismore is now a largely forgotten figure. Yet for many years in the nineteenth century his was a household name among Protestants and many Catholics.

Venue: Town Hall, Friary St, Dungarvan
Date: Wednesday 15th October 2014
Time: 8pm
Admission: €5-
All are welcome

17th Sept 2014 The Christ Church Cathedral Collection by Kieran Cronin

Illustrated Talk at Museum

Waterford County Museum is delighted to kick off their lectures season with an illustrated talk by Kieran Cronin who is the Deputy Librarian at W.I.T. libraries. The Christ Church collection will be of immense interest. Its purpose was to cater for the information needs of the Church's congregation and the citizens of Waterford.

Date: Wednesday 17th September 2014
Venue: Town Hall Theatre, Friary Street, Dungarvan
Time: 8 pm.

Admission €5-
As usual our lectures are open to all and we are always delighted to see new faces.

2014 Exhibition of Rory Wyley's Photographs

Appeal for Rory Wyley Photographs

The museum is planning an exhibition of the well known Dungarvan photographer Rory Wyley. If you have any photographs taken by Rory, particularly ones dating from the 1960s and early 1970s, we would love to hear from you. The photographs can be scanned and returned to you. We are looking for a wide variety of subject matter.
Photographs to be handed into the Museum by 15th October.
Photo taken by Rory Wyley 1982