Launch of " The Cry of the Curlew" a Great Success

Author Tommy Mooney and Family at the Launch

"The Cry of the Curlew" written by Tommy Mooney of Ardmore and detailing the history of the men of the Déise Brigade  IRA and the War of Independence (1913-1922) was launched in the museum on Friday June 8. On hand to launch the book was the former GAA County President Paddy Joe Ryan with the museum President Nioclás Ó Griofáin opening the proceedings.  Another speaker was well known historian and author Mike Hackett who regaled the audiance with amusing stories.

The Museum Society was delighted with the number attending the launch, the first publication by Tommy. The book is the result of many years of research and is an important contribution to the study of this period in West Waterford. It contains over 300 pages and is illustrated with some very interesting photographs. This is a limited edition and can be purchased in the museum at €20. To view images of the night visit us on facebook