Living History in An tSeanphobal

On Saturday November 26 the Parent's Association of Ballymacart National School in Old Parish are holding a history event.  This event is being held to celebrate the fact that Old Parish is the oldest parish in Ireland and also to launch their newly restored school inspection books from 1866.

The event will run from 1.30 - 5.30pm.

1.30 -2.00 - Unveiling of a plaque at the site of the Old Parish soup kitchen.
2.00 - 2.30 - Official opening of the restored school inspection books.
2.30 - 3.00 - History of the school from 1840 - Martin Coffey.
3.15 - 4.30 - Lecture on the famine - Willie Whelan.

Also in the afternoon:
  • Genealogy - One to one on how to trace your family - Eddie Cantwell & Nioclás ó Griofain.
  • An tSeanphobal young musicians.
  • 70 years of Aisteoirí an tSeanphobal (Actors Group)
  • Old Parish Photos.
Exhibitions will include farm machinery from a by-gone age, plough, pulper, pony and trap, household items that have been replaced in modern life, the gramophone player and wireless. Some school items, ICA memorabilia and other exhibits. Of special interest for the children on the day will be the creating of a time capsule.

The museum are happy to be invited to attend and participate in this event with our President Nioclás, Eddie, Willie and Martin all giving talks.